• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2017


Always on an ego trip, but feeling like I should have saved what I already typed before.



Opportune · 10:10pm Dec 13th, 2014

Yay, vehlek posted a new chapter of Rampant! Oh, shit, here's the other shoe.

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Report vehlek · 380 views · Story: Rampant ·
Comments ( 13 )
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I appreciate that a lot, thank you. I know myself well enough by now not to make promises, but I know Rampant is something I'll get back to sometime after this new project. I also know well enough not to really talk about this new project before I've actually written it, since it keeps changing so much, but that's just how it goes. Thanks for staying cool, Moon. You one of da real MVPs.

do what you can, when you can, really i guess i have to be the voice of reason, if the unpopular one, just want you to know im really enjoying ur story so far, havent read it all cuz im backlogged like crazy with ponyfic lol, but i'll get around to it and you know what? i'll probably be around when u start that next chapter, just a hunch i've been on here for years :P so yeah, theres my two cents, good luck with life and all that, hope it works out.

and i just noticed its been 41 weeks and 5 days and counting since you wrote this, lol, gives me a bit of a head start right? :P

Not much, unfortunately. Still trying to work something up.

What happend to rampant

703994 I know how you feel, school is going to slow down my updates as well.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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