Credits and Acknowledgements for The Possession of Dot MacPherson · 2:20am April 25th
You can take this as a sign that my latest story is complete. Don't read this until you've read that.
You can take this as a sign that my latest story is complete. Don't read this until you've read that.
hOi! Thanks so much for the fave on The Enemy Within. That fic was a real labor of love, so it's great to see that other people dig it, too.
Here, have an awesome!
Thankie for the fav on One Sprout, Many Buds! And sorry for my delayed response.
It's a simple idea, simply executed, and you didn't screw it up. Sadly, I had to wade through several awful G5 stories before I read this one.
Merci Beaucoup for adding Tides of Time to your library; what about it did you enjoy?