• Member Since 18th May, 2016
  • offline last seen July 13th

Comrade Bagel Muffin

I'm the reason when you search Quibble you'll find Scootaloo too. PM me if you want to talk about anything one on one. Well I finally set up a patreon...Hazaa???

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  • 41 weeks
    We're still alive, Maybe

    I am still alive, just really tired, working on grad school, with a small gaming company, and my retail job has kept me from posting updates. But I plan on freeing myself up in March so what can be expected. A big series of chapter posts on Le Voyage, at least 2 chapters of Power Ponies, and a few one shots are definitely in the future.
    Sorry for the long wait for them, they aren't dead, just sleeping. Just like Cthulhu.

    3 comments · 115 views

Commissions · 2:03am Jun 11th, 2020

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