• Member Since 6th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 26th, 2023


I'm a simple person who dislikes very little and hates even less; I like (or even love) a few things: reading, gaming, Pinkie Pie, and writing; I even take story requests~!

A Guide to my Writing

Quick Links for Me -- You Can Use it, Too

My Milestones

[X] 5
[X] 20
[] 50
[] 100
[] 300
[] 1,000

[X] 100
[X] 250
[X] 1,000
[] 5,000
[] 10,000
[] 50,000

[X] 25
[X] 50
[] 100
[] 500
[] 1,000

(Word Count of individual stories)
[X] 20,000
[] 50,000
[] 100,000
[] 500,000
[] 1,000,000
[] 2,000,000
[] 10,000,000 (shooting high)

Near Viewing milestone (Current: 5,000)


Very rarely do I do it, but I take writing requests; there is still a line and I hope to change that, but if you want me to write something (practically anything) then feel free to check out the page for more details; or you can just message me and we can talk, either way is fine.
Found here: Writing Requests or at the bottom area.

Occasionally I write reviews for stories. Want a story you wrote reviewed? Want someone else's story reviewed? Then check out the 'Master List' for details, or just message me or leave a comment in the chat below.
List Found Here: Master List or at the bottom area.

Discord server: (Deleted, currently not making.)

Timeline and Reading

Note: Timelines are incomplete unless specified otherwise, but that won't stop stories from being released inside them. Each Timeline has its own distinguishing color, marked for easy telling. More information will be marked in a blog post when relevant or when I get around to finishing things, information will be missing to avoid spoilers of future stories.

Souls Universe (Red)
Coming Eventually.

Unknowing Timeline (Orange)
Trot of the Dead!

Mythical Timeline (Light Blue)
Making Friends With Statues --> A Dream’s Final Rest --> Sour's Sun

The United Creature Bureaucracy Timeline (Green)
Marshmallow Madness (Rewritten Here) --> Subtle Forest

Independent (Grey_8)
Murder? <-->

Cancelled Stories (Turquoise)
Challenging Fate <--> Dark Ponies: The Rising

[NSFW] Clop (Pink)
Shelf holding the stories.

Comments ( 73 )
  • Viewing 64 - 73 of 73


I have a question few questions. I might take a look at your fictions before I might send you the editing process... I might have two editors...


Thou hast been booped!

2590720 Thank you for taking the time to answer my survey! You're brilliant! :twilightsmile:

I do, indeed, have time. And I'd love to take part in your survey!

When it comes to a hot dog, I prefer to have both -- but I'm also a weirdo who is willing to have mayonnaise on it. As far as hamburgers go, only ketchup.

I don’t know anything about your personal life, but I assume you are always on a tight and exhausting schedule that leaves you feeling stressfully tired. With that in mind, how much would you be willing to pay for an extra hour of sleep in the morning?

This might not be the best thing, but I recently have become a NEET (for the time being). However, I sleep during the day -- I'll just translate that over to get the same answer. What would I pay for more sleep? Honestly, I'd rather get better quality sleep than a broader quantity.

I seem to have answer the previous question -- I'm a night owl.

My favorite season is winter -- it is nice and cool and I don't have to go outside (autumn is a close second followed by spring then summer).

Hmm... a mech suit. I'd have to go with a Megazoid -- simply because of the nostalgia factor.

Hey, buddy! How ya doin'? Got time for a random survey? If so, then splendid! Answer the follow questions below.

-On a hot dog or hamburger, do you prefer ketchup, mustard, or both?

-I don’t know anything about your personal life, but I assume you are always on a tight and exhausting schedule that leaves you feeling stressfully tired. With that in mind, how much would you be willing to pay for an extra hour of sleep in the morning?

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

-What is your favorite season? (As in winter, spring, summer, and autumn)

-Congratulations! It’s your birthday! Even if it isn’t, I’m still going to give you a present in the form of a giant mech suit! Which one would you like?

Death Egg Robot (Sonic the Hedgehog): Want a mech suit with a charming cartoony style? Then look no further than the Death Egg Robot. The Death Egg Robot is a large mech suit that comes with the ability to fly along with rotating drill-like claws that can be launched. Comes with the option for lasers and can take some punishment, though its ground speed is a bit slow.

Metal Face Mechon Suit (Xenoblade Chronicles): Want something really cool that will intimidate your enemies? A bit of a tight fit, but this mech suit has ultra smooth and precise controls, and is very powerful. The Metal Face Mechon Suit comes with strong and sharp claw hands, a powerful laser cannon, is capable of long distance flight, and is made of extremely strong and durable metal. Also comes with a cool voice.

Megazord (Power Rangers): Do you have friends and want something to do together with them? Then this is the mech suit for you. This Megazord is made of several different robots that is completely customizable with all sorts of looks, styles, and weapons. Not to mention it’s huge! Requires multiple people to operate, as well as effective teamwork, coordination, and communication.

Armored Personnel Unit (The Matrix): While it may not protect the person controlling the mech suit, this Armored Personnel Unit is perfect for those who are very gun-happy and favor smooth controls.

I've considered taking it down, the list will keep on growing and growing -- exponentially, eventually; however, I find friends are always great to have... even in the bad times, or rough seas.

Yeah you got some more friends like me! :rainbowlaugh: I just checked your friend’s list but not to blabber all about it. :twilightoops:

Indeed you have! ^^

  • Viewing 64 - 73 of 73
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Desh Reviews Master List(Redone) · 4:59am Feb 17th, 2017

This is the "Master List" of my reviewing, below the pagebreak will be links to each blog post. If you followed from the start then you will notice that I have made some changes. That is because one story a week-ish is inefficient, and much more reviewing can get done with several a week-ish. Though if you wish for me to do an entire post to a sole story, drop me a PM, or by commenting in this post.
(Updated on January 28, 2018)

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Report DeshLune · 742 views · #Desh Reviews #List #Tagged

(New) Story Writing Requests · 8:11am Jun 27th, 2017

If you want me to write something (anything, really) then simply drop a request. There are going to be some ground-rules that should be followed, but that will mostly deal with what is/isn't allowed. (Below the break)

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