• Member Since 15th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Saint Kartano

I may not be (very) active on here.

Get in touch

Discord: saintkartano (originally: Saint Kartano#2672)
Usual Discord Server: https://discord.gg/8hTyPruApc
Location: Phoenix, Arizona. If you're in the area and wanna go out for a chat and a cup of covfefe? Give me a shout. I do not bite (and no - for those people who have insinuated it in the past, i am not trolling for SEX, okay????)

Blog Posts

  • Monday
    The car is finally back

    I'm $6,000 poorer between engine repairs and car rentals, but I do have my car back. I love being back in the office - remote work is just for the dogs.

    Remote work is fine if you have a dedicated office space. Your own PC, a proper desk, a clean work area and a door you can close to keep out distractions and embuggerances.

    Read More

    0 comments · 15 views
  • 7 weeks
    Finding A New Discord Home

    Some years ago somebody called Chill Sweet (difficult to track them as they've had about a thousand different accounts) created a group called The Carefree Group. The related Discord server became another home for me until that slowly died off.

    I'd be curious to know if anyone else has a "found home" server they hang out in. It's incredibly lonely these days.

    0 comments · 24 views
  • 7 weeks
    My Father Is Cancer Free

    It's nice to get a piece of good news occasionally. But my dad is clear of cancer.

    5 comments · 43 views
  • 40 weeks
    Amalgamating friends

    Since I rarely get onto this server to end up chatting with or catching up with anyone, I'm just amalgamating everyone to the one server:

    Use this link, or the invite ID of waXUFgtKFW

    No, sorry - somebody has since carbonized and defecated all over my old server.

    I have a somewhat-personal server here instead - or the server ID 8hTyPruApc.

    0 comments · 65 views
  • 71 weeks
    Vale Antsca - Andy. Rest In Peace.

    God I’m broken up so badly.

    We will all love and miss you so much.


    0 comments · 112 views

Vacuous, self-indulgent drivel.


The car is finally back · 4:07pm Last Monday

I'm $6,000 poorer between engine repairs and car rentals, but I do have my car back. I love being back in the office - remote work is just for the dogs.

Remote work is fine if you have a dedicated office space. Your own PC, a proper desk, a clean work area and a door you can close to keep out distractions and embuggerances.

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Report Saint Kartano · 15 views ·
Comments ( 178 )
  • Viewing 174 - 178 of 178

If you're a cinephile, I can recommend a member here on FImFic called Hudson Hawk.

I probably would have been some years ago. We moved to Phoenix six years back and this place is basically a soul-remover. So it's hard to get enthusiastic about anything anymore.

I miss scuba diving, camping, dirt bikes, model making, amateur radio, working EMS, a lot of things. But nothing has really felt worthwhile since getting here.

It sounds like you have a serious cinema schedule set up.

Um the new Jurassic Park coming out, whatever the next Toho
Godzilla movie is, the next MonsterVerse movie coming out, Transformers GI Joe movie, Sonic Movie 3, and the new Karate Kid movie coming out next year are you excited about any of those at all?

  • Viewing 174 - 178 of 178
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