The trouble with Tucson · 11:35pm Oct 12th, 2024
The trouble I have with Tucson is that it's still in Arizona.
I may not be (very) active on here.
Discord: saintkartano (originally: Saint Kartano#2672)
Usual Discord Server: The Bin Fire
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Generally, you'll find me on Discord.
Use this link, or the invite ID of waXUFgtKFW. No, sorry - somebody has since carbonized and defecated all over my old server.
I have a somewhat-personal server here instead - or the server ID 8hTyPruApc.. No, I closed off that server so it's private. Just add me as a friend on Discord instead. "saintkartano".
I am:
The trouble I have with Tucson is that it's still in Arizona.
Would you like to help me with my rewrite of Return of The Element Pony Rangers?
Oh okay
Sorry about the slow replies. I haven't been up to writing a great deal.