• Member Since 15th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Saint Kartano

I may not be (very) active on here.


The car is finally back · 4:07pm Last Monday

I'm $6,000 poorer between engine repairs and car rentals, but I do have my car back. I love being back in the office - remote work is just for the dogs.

Remote work is fine if you have a dedicated office space. Your own PC, a proper desk, a clean work area and a door you can close to keep out distractions and embuggerances.

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Finding A New Discord Home · 6:32pm June 7th

Some years ago somebody called Chill Sweet (difficult to track them as they've had about a thousand different accounts) created a group called The Carefree Group. The related Discord server became another home for me until that slowly died off.

I'd be curious to know if anyone else has a "found home" server they hang out in. It's incredibly lonely these days.

Report Saint Kartano · 24 views ·

My Father Is Cancer Free · 4:48pm June 7th

It's nice to get a piece of good news occasionally. But my dad is clear of cancer.

Report Saint Kartano · 43 views ·

Amalgamating friends · 8:16pm Oct 18th, 2023

Since I rarely get onto this server to end up chatting with or catching up with anyone, I'm just amalgamating everyone to the one server:

Use this link, or the invite ID of waXUFgtKFW

No, sorry - somebody has since carbonized and defecated all over my old server.

I have a somewhat-personal server here instead - or the server ID 8hTyPruApc.

Report Saint Kartano · 65 views · #Lady Q

Vale Antsca - Andy. Rest In Peace. · 10:00pm Mar 16th, 2023

God I’m broken up so badly.

We will all love and miss you so much.


Report Saint Kartano · 112 views ·

Mr Derp Face · 5:26am Feb 23rd, 2023

This is another of those obscure FIMFIC members that I remember conversing with a great deal on my old account.

They were hilarious to chat with and had this fascinating writing style - including a habit of engineering completely new words!

I often wonder if they're still around.

Report Saint Kartano · 111 views · #Mr Derp Face

Work Searches · 7:39pm Jan 27th, 2023

It never fails.

I feel so guilty about not working on my story.

Presently I am back to searching for work.

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Desperate to write, work issues, floods · 7:51pm Nov 30th, 2022

Every time I get a chance to sit at my PC and I'm not actively combating depression-induced fugue, it seems I'm assailed by a thousand other things I need to do rather than actually write anything. This includes personal stories I'm writing for people as well as my current MLP story.

I've just spent six weeks fighting a Symfony thin client trying to get a development system running so I can actually bill some hours.

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Report Saint Kartano · 94 views ·

Wishing I could write, stressing about work · 9:03pm Oct 31st, 2022

I keep hoping that I will awake someday and have the desire to write once again. I have a lot of stories in the works including some personal stories that I've been writing just for particular people.

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Report Saint Kartano · 79 views ·

The Upshot of Ketamine Therapy · 5:28pm Oct 5th, 2022

I've been through two therapy sessions so far. I think those will be the only ones I subject myself to. I do understand that the treatment is probably useful for some candidates - but I can categorically state I'm not one of them. The sedating effects and the odd numbness weren't the issue - it was the dissociation. I've never experienced that before, and if I had issues with panic disorder before ... I most certainly have them more than ever now. Being out of control with terror, yet

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Report Saint Kartano · 82 views ·