
Viewing 1 - 20 of 943 results

The holidays are over- back to work · 1:44am Jan 5th, 2021

Title pretty much says it. I'm back on the grindstone again, so expect some updates in the next week or two, as well as a new story- more or less the same style I've been doing for a while now.

HOWEVER... I only have so many ideas of my own. Would always appreciate a new suggestion worthy of taking on.

Some other remarks:

1. This will get a sequel.

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Report KingdaKa · 268 views · #Work #work #work

I'm back baby · 2:12am Jan 26th, 2023

I'm back and getting back to work. 😃😃

Report Slicknick17 · 159 views · #Work work

The Unpublished Archive Issue #4 · 10:34pm Oct 23rd, 2015

Our next tale was meant to be something more random than anything. So, it would probably have the random tag.

Devil's Deal

Summary: A Brony decides to make a deal with the devil so he can finally, at long last, come to Equestria. But first he must play his games where he could win his trip and, if he's lucky enough, fabulous prizes! Or... fall to his doom.

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Mandatory Megadeth #8 · 5:41pm Oct 25th, 2018

I gotta do this one on my lunch hour this week; I have things to do tonight so I won’t have time for this later—which is too bad cuz this is my favourite track on the album and I wish I had time to say more about it.

High Speed Dirt

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May see you guys sunday · 7:56am Nov 24th, 2016

Due to how this week's work schedule looks, I may not be back on till sunday. I go in late tomorrow and get off at one in the morning, but will only get a few hours of sleep before needing to go back to work. Chances are I may sleep through sunday, or I may find myself in a state of insomnia and stay awake and hop on.

We will see what happens. Till then, I'll catch you all later.

Report grey mane · 463 views · #work

Works in Progress · 4:49am Nov 9th, 2020

My works currently in progress:

  1. Non Nobis Domine, second last 'real' chapter. Hopefully done within the next week or so.
  2. Untitled Slice of Life, semi-sequel to 'Servant in the Dark'.
  3. Planning stage of sequel to NND: Working Title 'Reprobates'.

Ideas currently percolating

  1. Siege of Canterlot and the Great Retreat, looking at Nightmare Moon and her failed rebellion.
  2. Aristotelian critique of 'The Eagle and the Squirrel'

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Report Dsarker · 277 views · #In the Works

The Unpublished Archive Issue #1 · 1:04am Oct 3rd, 2015

So I figured it would be fun to show off unfinished works. These are stories which I have no clue if they will ever make it to Fim or not, but I'm sick of them just rotting for no one to read!

I know her pain...

So without further stalling for time, here is the first links to a few stories of mine:

The Tale of Jumpy

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The Unpublished Archive Issue #3 · 9:43pm Oct 16th, 2015

Another one? Already?! :pinkiegasp: Another week, another set of chapters from a unpublished story. Hopefully some people are reading these, but at least they will exist, on the web, in some public form.

A Pegacorn

Summary: A human girl wakes up to find that she's been transformed into a unicorn- no, wait, a pegasus- Pegacorn?

Chapter One: It Begins

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work from home! YAY!!!! · 12:30pm Dec 26th, 2018

our supervisor pleaded to our boss to let us work from our homes today up till the end of this week, so hooray for that! :pinkiehappy:
i wont be needing to get up early, eat shit, take a bath, commute and waste PRECIOUS ENERGY on shitty things like going to work!:trollestia:

nope! nope! nope! ill just be all lazy like today and “work” at my comfy and spacious computer station while playing tons of shit while working!:yay:

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Report ynfiltra · 298 views · #work

The week has been exhausting. · 2:28am Jun 22nd, 2022

So I go into work Wednesday and find out that the other Dishwasher (who's been great, and will be referred to as A) quit Tuesday night. That night, nobody, not even his best friend (E) knew why he quit. Apparently he said that he didn't have issues with anybody and thanked the bosses for the opportunity. Everyone's confused. Additionally, Wednesday was crazy busy for some reason.

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Report LucidDreamer · 191 views · #Work

Current Project · 10:59pm Feb 12th, 2020

I am working on IANG still, though I have to write down the summaries for the next six to eight chapters and then I have to write those down, re-read for mistakes, post them onto FIMFiction, and then have to add every small details (colored text for certain characters, links for songs for certain points in the story, and author notes) for each chapter... So yeah it'll be awhile before I get back to that, there's also the Q&A... I might need re-schedule that one an extra month or two.

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Quick Update · 7:29am Dec 1st, 2022

So just got back to writing the next chapter of IANG, was very busy with work - nearing holidays so sorry about that - just got that moment of inspiration to get back to writing, but gonna be busy with work again, though I'll take what days I'm not working to write. Going bed now (I am literally writing this at 2 in the morning and have to leave for work in... four hours... yeah not a smart move on my part), wish I could continue writing but I'll finish with the next chapter IANG when I can.

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School...Ugh. · 12:33am Aug 15th, 2015

So...with school being up and running again chapters for my stories will take a while to get posted. What really bugs me is that Rampage isn't half way done yet. I still have plenty of fights I want to write and some important events to happen. I guess with the weekend here Ill do another chapter but that will probably be it until I get the chance to make more. Just to be generous with you guys, Ill draw up a preview for the next big fight. Ill work on that plus the new chapter as well. I've

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Report MrHouston · 295 views · #Work

Work, Work, Work · 4:30am Nov 25th, 2018

Work is pretty fun, but it also means that you don't have alot of time for other things (like writing books).

Report That Weirdo · 208 views · #Work

sleep? · 5:14am Jul 17th, 2018

funny enough I said around 10:30pm that I was going to bed and now I'm sitting in my bed reading some fanfics lol I go to work in less then 5 hours. Celestia help me lol.

Report DJ_StormSurge · 271 views · #work

No Updates? · 6:52pm Feb 17th, 2017

I'm not dead, I'm just swamped with a cycle of Awaken-Work-Sleep. I'll probably have time to write on Sunday, maybe? I already have most of the next chapter finished, I just need the energy to actually complete it.

Constant closing shifts D:


Why I need to get a new job · 2:36am Jul 7th, 2014

I have a job interview coming up on Tuesday, and I really need to land this one. I need to be able to spend money on random stupid things like ponies.

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Report Rinnaul · 377 views · #work #merch

I'm Back! · 5:39pm Feb 14th, 2016

SO! Been a long time coming, but I decided it's high-time that I pick my sorry flank up and get back to typing! Sorry is took so long, but during Boot-Leave, I didn't really feel like spending what little time I had writing, and then there was MCT, and well... Life happens, you know?

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Essay for my novel. (Sorry it's not MLP related) · 9:52am Jan 26th, 2019

Hello guys,

It has been a while.

So I stated in my last blog post quite some time ago,

I have been focusing on my own novel Project. After months of World Building, I'm now beginning to write some actual novelization content. Both as practice essay and as a mean to introduce some elements of the world I created as well as a testing how those elements hold together.

The first of those essay is now on my DeviantArt page and I'd like to share it with you guys.

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Work is a thing · 8:43pm Jul 23rd, 2015

A thing that makes me money.

Money allows me to drink.

Drinking allows me less shits I guess. And it allows me to write poorly.

So, in summation, work enables me to write shit for you guys. So I gotta do it, and it's being a pain and eating my free time right now. Sorry. I will have some new shit up shortly though. And I promise you, it will be alcohol-induced as ever and may or may not involve vomiting. Well, if it doesn't, I'll just drink till I throw up. Sound good?

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Report anonpencil · 337 views · #drunk #work
Viewing 1 - 20 of 943 results