• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I got into this through fanmade content. Lets see what i can do in story terms hmm.

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  • 8 weeks
    Good news

    I recent reader who shall remain anonymous until I'm told otherwise has informed me on how to recover the original Elemental Equestrian from deletion. However going over what I had I will be editing what was written and then republishing. I won't be stopping just yet.

    0 comments · 50 views
  • 37 weeks

    So I accidentally deleted the Elemental Equestrian and not the rewrite in progress. Dammit I hate myself right now all that work gone dammit... dammit. Sigh... I'll try again and put my full attention into it. I'm sorry.....🤬🤬😥😥😥

    2 comments · 89 views
  • 40 weeks
    I'm back

    Hey guys sorry for the long absence. Got burned out of writing but I'm gonna try again. My first step is rewrite The Elemental Equestrian. The later chapters are just a jumble and I want something more coherent.

    0 comments · 91 views
  • 70 weeks


    I've reactivated my fanfiction account.

    0 comments · 97 views
  • 78 weeks
    I'm back baby

    I'm back and getting back to work. 😃😃

    0 comments · 159 views

Good news · 6:03am May 26th

I recent reader who shall remain anonymous until I'm told otherwise has informed me on how to recover the original Elemental Equestrian from deletion. However going over what I had I will be editing what was written and then republishing. I won't be stopping just yet.

Report Slicknick17 · 50 views · #Happy #surprised