Diaries of Madman Character Guide · 9:03pm Sep 14th, 2017
I noticed a lot of people were having issues keeping track of characters and events in my story. I wrote this to help. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated. Feel free to post comments and suggestions in the gdoc. I should note that this is for people who have read up to the current chapter. Just about every single entry on the list contains spoilers.
Hello there everyone! I'm just an individual that doesn't matter. However I'm a very big fan of this story and have been given access to the discord related to it. To settle some people's fears for the author they are indeed currently writing a different story and the Google docs for it was last modified August 31st by the author.
What exactly was posted? If its new, chapters may resume at some point. Im kinda worried he died and we just dont know about it
I'm also looking for a discord link. Someone posted the story that he's writing in the discord and I loved it. I want to join for updates but I can't find a link anywhere.
It was great while it lasted.
Thank you for the good times, and cheers.
I really hope you come back. Diary of a Madman is my favorite read and the only reason I keep coming back to this website. I've read that probably 7 or 8 times now just so I can give it time for new chapters and so I can revisit my favorite scenes.
Anyone have a link to the discord server they made for the story? The links in the chapters don't function...