• Member Since 5th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am a professional writer, artist, musician, website builder, and app developer. I have a Tip Jar for those who might be interested.

Latest Stories

Tip Jar

Feel free to contribute to my art cause if you would like to.

This is a place where you can donate tip amounts of any size if you would like to help support my various art projects.

Please be aware that you only need to donate if you want to. Donations are not necessary. But they do help me continue to buy supplies, software, music equipment, and everything that is required to keep creating the content that I do. I am very grateful for every donation I receive. Thank you so much for the continued support of all of my patrons.

Click the picture to make a donation (through PayPal).

Donate any amount to the cause.

Here is the direct link to my Tip Jar if the picture link doesn't work for some reason: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/category/tip-jar/

Also feel free to donate to my Music Patreon here if you feel so inclined: https://www.patreon.com/EmmaLeeDownsMusic

And feel free to donate to my Art Patreon here if you feel so inclined: https://www.patreon.com/Art_Tastic_Creations

For everyone who donates: Thank you so much for your donations! They really help me with everything I do.

For everyone who likes, watches, and supports my projects on social media: Thank you so much! Just having you as watchers means a lot to me. Thank you for your continued support.

You can check out all of my creative projects by following the links below.

My Online Stores: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/my-stores

My Published Work: http://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/published-work

My Produced Music: http://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2013/03/22/produced-music

My Websites: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2005/11/16/my-websites

Check Out My Groups

Join Post Your Heart:

Feel free to join my creativity sharing site, Post Your Heart.

- Feel free to post whatever creative works you want in the site threads.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here: http://postyourheart.proboards.com

Join The Insane Creators Guild:

Feel free to join my creativity sharing group, The Insane Creators Guild.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214974/the-insane-creators-guild

Join The Share Center:

Feel free to join my creativity sharing group, The Share Center.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/213913/the-share-center

Join The Nightmare Factory:

Feel free to join my horror and creepypasta themed group, The Nightmare Factory.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/211903/the-nightmare-factory

Join Lyra's Fan Group:

Feel free to join the LyraAlluse's Fan Group made by The Wandering Bard.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/208723/lyraalluse-fan-group

Join The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club:

Feel free to join my cute themed group, The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club made by Plain Hunter.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/209158/the-cupcakes-and-cuddles-club

Join The Eye of Cygnus:

Feel free to join my paranormal themed group, The Eye of Cygnus made by Plain Hunter.

- This is a group for those who want to post things and discuss topics about the paranormal.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/209260/the-eye-of-cygnus

Join Night Fall Kingdom:

Feel free to join my bat pony themed group, Night Fall Kingdom made by Root Beer.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/209378/night-fall-kingdom

Also feel free to promote your stuff in my main group's promotion chat servers.

Skype Chat: https://join.skype.com/LuJ4DPlvn1oQ

Group Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/SmFfnBp

Share And Connect: https://discord.gg/yGeBCSE

Art-Tastic Creations: https://discord.gg/KSPZ9Wh

My Websites

Check Out My Websites:

Here is a list of all of my social media sites and websites I either have built or am a staff member on (such as some of the creepypasta Wikias). Feel free to follow/ add me as a friend on all of these sites. I always like to meet new people and I always follow back.

My Social Media:

My Websites: http://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2005/11/16/my-websites

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/emma.l.downs.56

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmmaLeeDowns

Gab.ai: https://gab.ai/LyraAlluse

Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/LyraAlluse

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@lyraalluse

OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/kawaiifanchan

Voat: https://voat.co/user/LyraAlluse

Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/users/LyraAlluse

Vidme: https://vid.me/LyraAlluse

DTube: https://d.tube/#!/c/lyraalluse

Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/emma-downs

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/W262e9YQwkON

LiveLeak: https://www.liveleak.com/c/LyraAlluse

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lyraalluse

YouNow: https://www.younow.com/LyraAlluse/channel

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lyraalluse

Instagram: http://instagram.com/lyraalluse

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/36031067@N07

Best Random Stuff YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUhgef4kDUmMUkn8CMeqHw

Divinely Inspired Productions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4M6eK0s611oKSFDmLxEtA

The Eclectic Phoenix YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNWcvWeJWbwXVIkHq-dG3tw

The Archive Of Weird: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpH9xi3OfCsp1x_JYOnM9iQ

My Websites:

Fandomite: https://fandomite-fandoms-unite-convention.weebly.com

The Archive Of Weird Official Site: https://thearchiveofweird.blogspot.com

Best Random Stuff Official Site: http://bestrandomstuffontheweb.weebly.com

Play For Fun Apps Official Site: http://playforfunapps.weebly.com

My Stores: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/category/stores

My Produced Music: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/category/produced-music

My Published Work: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/published-work

Places Where You can Donate:

My Tip Jar: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/category/tip-jar/

My Art Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Art_Tastic_Creations

My Music Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaLeeDownsMusic

My Art Accounts:

My DeviantArt: http://lyraalluse.deviantart.com

My Fur Affinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lyraalluse

My Tumblr: http://emmaleedowns.tumblr.com

My Derpibooru: https://derpibooru.org/profiles/LyraAlluse

My Facebook Art Page: http://www.facebook.com/emma.l.downs

My YouTube Art Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtTasticCreations

My Writing Accounts:

FanFiction.Net Account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/574123

FictionPress.Com Account: https://www.fictionpress.com/u/411083

Trollpasta Wiki Account: http://trollpasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:LyraAlluse

Creepy pasta Wiki Account: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:LyraAlluse

Inkitt Account: http://www.inkitt.com/LyraAlluse

Wattpad Account: https://www.wattpad.com/user/LyraAlluse

Archive of Our Own Account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LyraAlluse

Fimfiction.Net Account: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/LyraAlluse

Smashwords Account: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/LyraAlluse

​Lulu Account: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/EmmaLeeDowns

​My Amazon Author Profile: http://www.amazon.com/Emma-Lee-Downs/e/B00JHRKZIE

Support My Music Project:

Check out my Facebook Music Page: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaLeeDownsMusic

Check out my Reverbnation Page: http://www.reverbnation.com/emmaleedowns

Check out my Sound Cloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/emma-lee-downs

Check out my MySpace Music Page: https://myspace.com/emma-lee-downs

Check out my YouTube Music Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/MadamWriterGal

My Facebook Groups:

The Insane Creators Guild: https://www.facebook.com/groups/607449019897343

The Nightmare Factory: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheNightmareFactoryHeadquarters

Post Your heART: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PostYourheART

Magic Metal Island RP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MagicMetalIslandRP

Best Random Stuff On The Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BestRandomStuffOnTheWeb

Advertise Your Stuff: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AdvertiseYourOnlineProductsAndStores

Promote Your Websites: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PromoteYourWebsites

My Fim Fiction Groups:

The Insane Creators Guild: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214974/the-insane-creators-guild

The Share Center: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/213913/the-share-center

The Nightmare Factory: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/211903/the-nightmare-factory

LyraAlluse Fan Group: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/208723/lyraalluse-fan-group

The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/209158/the-cupcakes-and-cuddles-club

The Eye Of Cygnus: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/209260/the-eye-of-cygnus

Night Fall Kingdom: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/209378/night-fall-kingdom

My Miscellaneous Groups:

The Insane Creators Guild (Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/InsaneCreatorsGuild/

The Nightmare Factory (Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNightmareFactory/

The Nightmare Factory (Voat): https://voat.co/v/TheNightmareFactory

My Forums:

Post Your heART: http://postyourheart.proboards.com

Magic Metal Island RP: http://magicmetalislandrp.proboards.com

My Other Profiles:

Imgur Profile: http://imgur.com/user/LyraAlluse/submitted

Reddit Profile: http://www.reddit.com/user/lyraalluse

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/emma-downs/28/aaa/839

Goodreads Author Profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13988965.Emma_Downs

My Skype Group and Discord Chat Servers:

Skype Chat: https://join.skype.com/LuJ4DPlvn1oQ

Group Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/SmFfnBp

Share And Connect: https://discord.gg/yGeBCSE

Art-Tastic Creations: https://discord.gg/KSPZ9Wh

My Steam Group:

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TEWG

Join Post Your Heart

A Little About Me

A Little About Me:

My name Emma Lee Downs and I am just another author struggling to make her way in the world. I write music on various instruments, draw, paint, sculpt, and of course, write. I like the outdoors, playing sports, traveling, learning new things, eating strange foods, doing extreme sports and getting the most I can out of life by using each waking hour of it to do something new! I will try anything once, just as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. I am a strong advocate for individuality and living life to the fullest. I enjoy listening to all kinds of music, dancing when I get the time, creating languages for the book series I am writing, hanging out with friends, and making random documentaries with my video camera. In the future, I hope to be a writer, who illustrates her own books, an artist, a film maker, and whatever else life suggests would be good for me to follow.

My Websites: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2005/11/16/my-websites/

My Tip Jar: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/category/tip-jar/

My Art Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Art_Tastic_Creations

My Music Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaLeeDownsMusic

My Stores: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/my-stores/

My E-Mail:


My Published Work:

I have had many of my stories and poems published in different collections and websites. I am always happy to have new readers. Feel free to check out all of my published work. If you like what you see, share with your family and friends.

My published work: https://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/published-work

My Writing Accounts:

Also, I have some other writing accounts which I will list below for your enjoyment.

FanFiction.Net Account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/574123

FictionPress.Com Account: https://www.fictionpress.com/u/411083

Trollpasta Wiki Account: http://trollpasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:LyraAlluse

Creepypasta Wiki Account: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:LyraAlluse

Inkitt Account: http://www.inkitt.com/LyraAlluse

Wattpad Account: https://www.wattpad.com/user/LyraAlluse

Archive of Our Own Account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LyraAlluse

FIMFiction.Net Account: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/LyraAlluse

Smashwords Account: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/LyraAlluse

​Lulu Account: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/EmmaLeeDowns

​My Amazon Author Profile: http://www.amazon.com/Emma-Lee-Downs/e/B00JHRKZIE

Major Music Project:

I am working on a major music project right now. I am excited because I am getting my songs officially produced.

If you want to check out my music and support the project, you can follow the links below.

Check out my Facebook Music Page: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaLeeDownsMusic

Check out my Reverbnation Page: http://www.reverbnation.com/emmaleedowns

Check out my Sound Cloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/emma-lee-downs

Check out my MySpace Music Page: https://myspace.com/emma-lee-downs

Check out my YouTube Music Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/MadamWriterGal

Check out all of my websites here: http://emmaleedowns.wordpress.com/2005/11/16/my-websites

Keep updated about my music project here:

You can also find my new songs in my gallery at this link: http://lyraalluse.deviantart.com/gallery/33497312/Original-Music

Donate to my Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaLeeDownsMusic

Thank you for checking out the links and your continued support everyone. I will keep you updated on the progress of things as I go along.

The Best Princesses

I Vote Big Mac For Princess 2018.

I Vote Incidental Pony For Princess 2019.

My Published Stories

This is a list of my officially published stories. I put many of my published work up online for people to read. If you like my stories, please consider purchasing the collections they have been published in. And if you really like them, feel free to spread the word to your family and friends!

Don't Eat The Sandwiches - Officially published in Delightful Horrors: Tales From the Darkest Corners of the Web. Learn more about this book collection here. The story appears on page 5.

Paranormal HQ TV - Officially published in Delightful Horrors: Tales From the Darkest Corners of the Web. Learn more about this book collection here. The story appears on page 115.

The Tale of Applena - Officially published in Enchanting Horrors: More Tales From the Darkest Corners of the Web. Learn more about this book collection here. The story appears on page 173.

Social Disconnection - Officially published in Enchanting Horrors: More Tales From the Darkest Corners of the Web. Learn more about this book collection here. The story appears on page 169.

The Family Secret - Officially published in 6 Plots: Leo & Other Grave Tales. Learn more about this book collection here. The story appears on page 57.

League of Creepypasta Supervillains - Officially published on Creepypasta.com. You can find my published story here.

You can Learn more about all of my published work here.

My Little Dragon

My Little Dragon

One day I got bored and made the mane six as dragons with this doll maker: http://10-sec-to-draw-a-gun.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Designer-3-418592630

Then I re-drew them in my own style in Photoshop.

So eh, here you go. To be random and stuff.

Do you like my art style? Check out my art accounts.

My DeviantArt: http://lyraalluse.deviantart.com

My Fur Affinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lyraalluse

My Tumblr: http://emmaleedowns.tumblr.com

My Derpibooru: https://derpibooru.org/profiles/LyraAlluse

My Facebook Art Page: http://www.facebook.com/emma.l.downs

My YouTube Art Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtTasticCreations

My Art Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Art_Tastic_Creations

Twilight Sparkle:


Rainbow Dash:

Pinkie Pie:



Pony Astrology Signs

Pony Astrology Signs

I sat down and finally figured out all of the pony astrology signs. I shall share for all who might want to know.

Discord is an Aries.

Rainbow Dash is a Taurus.

Rarity is a Gemini.

Fluttershy is a Cancer.

Celestia is a Leo.

Applejack is a Virgo.

Princess Cadance is a Libra.

Princess Luna is a Scorpio.

Spike is a Sagittarius.

Twilight Sparkle is a Capricorn.

Pinkie Pie is an Aquarius.

Shining Armor is a Pisces.

Note: I made these based on their personalities.

MLP Villain Astrology Signs

I figured out the astrology signs for the MLP villains for those who might be interested.

Sonata Dusk is an Aries.

Nightmare Moon is a Taurus.

Adagio Dazzle is a Gemini.

Starlight Glimmer is a Cancer.

Aria Blaze is a Leo.

Principal Abacus Cinch is a Virgo.

Dr. Caballeron is a Libra.

Queen Chrysalis is a Scorpio.

Ahuizotl is a Sagittarius.

Lord Tirek is a Capricorn.

Mane-iac is an Aquarious.

King Sombra is a Pisces.

Note: I made these based on their personalities.


My Thoughts On Netflix One Piece 2023 (Season One) · 9:26am October 2nd

My Thoughts On Netflix One Piece 2023 (Season One)

I went into this not really sure what to expect as some of the other attempts at making a live action adaptation of an anime on Netflix really haven't gone too well (Netflix Cowboy Bebop I'm looking at you).

Read More

Report LyraAlluse · 39 views ·
Comments ( 2250 )
  • Viewing 2,246 - 2,250 of 2,250

Oh ok can you tell me more about that please?

3480076 Today has been pretty good. I went shopping/ got supplies I needed for the house.

Yeah your welcome and how was your day today and what did you do today too?

3479642 It's going good so far thank you. :twilightsmile:

Oh okay can you tell me more please and how is that going for you?

  • Viewing 2,246 - 2,250 of 2,250
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