Hello and welcome to the PCPonies group!
We have weekly tech news blogs and computer specialists who can help you with computer problems.
Currently we have 3 computer specialists who are happy to help you with any kind of problem you might have.
The pc professionals in this group are:
RainbowdashieCloudsdale (hardware, software, gaming)
MrReader (software)
Carl on Duty (hardware, software, coding, gaming)
sbloom85 (coding)
If you have a question, please contact one of the professionals who is specialized in the issue you have.
Or you can post a comment in our Pc Problem Thread (when you post a comment tag RainbowdashieCloudsdale in the comment so you can be helped as good and fast as possible)
Fimfiction.net rules do apply in this group.
Have fun!
Greetings from the PCPonies team!
also, be sure to visit this group!