Reality Break 22 members · 13 stories

Reality is breaking apart. Somepony has to fix it. But who...?
Reality is a type of story in which reality is breaking down, and now the Master of Reality has asked you to fix it. Go through multiple enemies, and they can be crossover characters, as the borders of Reality are becoming thin. Get a key from each enemy, and then bring the respective amount of keys that you need to collect back to the Master. It could end...
Or will he betray you...?
Will you even make it in time? A bit too late, and important things could disappear from Reality...
Way too late...?

And Reality will be destroyed.

Remember, anything makes sense, though it has to be set in this kind of scenario. Anything.
Reality has less and less rules as time goes by...

Or, you know, something to do with Reality Breaking, or something.

Tell me if there are any other folders you think we could add.

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Are you going to need admins?

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