• Member Since 9th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen July 14th

Undead Parchment

In the world. Drunk as a sailor on a good day, but in the world

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Stories · 5:51pm Nov 12th, 2016


I've been on this site for almost three years, yet I haven't worked on any of my stories. I would, I just.. I just haven't been motivated to actually write. I can't make any promises but I'm going to try to fix that. I'm going to cancel my current stories and rewrite them completely. Maybe I'll actually plan them out too.

With that, I sign off for now.

-Undead Parchment

Report Undead Parchment · 222 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
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2205098 We may never know (x-files theme plays)

Thanks for the stal-I mean follow and the fave! May I ask why?

Thank you for the watch. I returned the favor. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed my story A Hint of Key Lime. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the favorite on Fallout: Equestria - Rising Dawn .

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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Stories · 5:51pm Nov 12th, 2016


I've been on this site for almost three years, yet I haven't worked on any of my stories. I would, I just.. I just haven't been motivated to actually write. I can't make any promises but I'm going to try to fix that. I'm going to cancel my current stories and rewrite them completely. Maybe I'll actually plan them out too.

With that, I sign off for now.

-Undead Parchment

Report Undead Parchment · 222 views ·

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