Storm Household
Midnight Storm (Unicorn Kirin, Mare)
Sapphire Breeze (Pegasus, Mare)
Squeaky Wings (Thestral, Filly)
Windrunner (Pegasus, Mare)
Honeycomb (Changeling Queen)
Arina (Magical Spider)
Shoal (Dragon, Female)
Summer's Family
Summer Ice (Unicorn, Mare)
Orange Glow (Pegasus, Stallion)
Autumn Light (Pegasus, Filly)
Rosemary Thyme (Unicorn, Mare)
Big Spruce (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Gold Clover (Pegasus Kirin, Mare)
Island Dream (Earth Pony Kirin, Mare)
Southern Wind (Unicorn Kirin, Mare)
Sapphire's Parents
White Out (Pegasus, Stallion)
Ruby Skies (Pegasus, Mare)
Night Sky (Thestral, Mare)
Night Saber (Thestral, Stallion)
Pastel Dawn (Thestral, Filly)
Night Wind (Thestral, Colt)
Star Claw (Thestral, Stallion)
Evening Breeze (Thestral, Mare)
Dark Cleaver (Thestral, Stallion)
Star Axe (Thestral, Stallion)
Bright Star (Thestral, Colt)
Star Glider (Thestral, Filly)
Silent Arrow (Thestral, Colt)
Nocturne Bolt (Thestral, Colt)
Forest Floor (Earth Pony, Mare)
Spine (Dragon, Male)
Ember (Dragon Kirin, Filly)
Norik (Dragon Kirin, Stallion)
Mr. Night Owl (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Scarlet Claw (Hippogriff, Female)
Tight Fit (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Mandible (Stallion)
Verpine (Mare)
Buzz (Stallion)
Trill (Mare)
Ocelli (Stallion)
Maxilla (Mare)
Doppler (Mare)
Cricket (Stallion)
Hopper (Stallion)
Antenna (Mare)
Cercus (Mare)
Spiracle (Stallion)
Canterlot Ponies
Professor Puzzle Mixer (Unicorn, Stallion)
Eden Rose (Unicorn, Mare)
Blade Dancer (Pegasus, Mare)
Sun Singer (Earth Pony, Mare)
Professor Brave Hunter (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Lunar Guard
Captain Night Skimmer (Thestral, Stallion)
Lt. Star Chaser (Thestral, Mare)
Day Guard
Captain Holly (Unicorn, Mare)
Ret. Broad Broom (Unicorn, Stallion)
Sgt. Sharp Eye (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Lt. Cover Clash (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Long Line's Seafood Emporium
Long Line (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Grill Mate (Earth Pony, Stallion)
RoH Crew
Captain Hook Smith (Pegasus, Stallion)
First Officer Mooring Dock (Unicorn, Stallion)
Aft Bulkhead (Earth pony, Stallion)
Tight Rigging (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Violet Jessamine (Earth Pony, Mare)
Guarded Heart (Earth Pony, Stallion)
Snow Hailfeather (Owl Harpy, Female)
Dimwood Darkfeather (Owl Harpy, Male)
Darling Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Female)
Lightning Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Delta Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Stream Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Female)
Leaf Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Female)
Iron Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Slender Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Female)
Glint Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Sonic Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Bright Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Female)
Slash Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Count Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Male)
Wave Darkfeather (Owl Harpy Female)
Shade Silverwing (Stallion)
Marina Brightwing (Mare)
Yes, in fact there's going to be updates for at least the next four Saturdays, possibly even through the middle of October. I mentioned this in my most recent blog post.
Are you going to continue the witching hour stories
Are you going to continue the witching hour story
I'm glad you like it! RL has been... borderline torturous to my mental health for the past few years, however I'm working through it with help. This is also the ten year anniversary of publishing this story so I'm trying to get back into the writing groove and get more chapter published before the end of the year
You know, few years back I basically fell out of the fandom. but recently got strong urge to read some fanfics. And yours was the one that I chose... I am amazed that you are still somehow active, and I actually missed that You are at part 3 of Midnight's story... I am now re-reading it from the beginning and loving it all over again. :D