• Member Since 5th Feb, 2015
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Nagel Navari

Reader of stories and creator of worlds.


Midnight Storm, a Kirin who fled civilization after a lifetime of persecution, now lives in the Everfree Forest. She is content with living in the wild, the forest is filled with creatures to practice hunting and fighting with, and she doesn’t have to hide what she is for fear of ponies attacking her. She has made friends with Zecora, a zebra shaman and fellow outcast. But Midnight’s life takes an interesting turn when Zecora attempts to reintroduce her to pony society.

A cross between Past Sins by Pen Stroke and The Witching Hour by Chaotic Ink.
Co-Author/writer - Starscibe
Cover art by Zutcha
Front page - 12/23/17

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 165 )

like it, so consider the story watched. though I have got to ask what is up with all those down votes, I cannot find any bad reviews or comments for why people dislike this story?

The version of this story that got the negative comments and downvotes had the chapters deleted, which also removed the comments. It had a good plot outline as far as it got, good enough for me to track and keep on reading, but IMO suffered from editing and pacing issues. The new version being posted now is a rewrite which has gone back and fixed the technical writing issues of the original while thus far keeping the same interesting premise. Unfortunately the downvotes from before were also retained.
Edit: Typo fix.

Ooh, I'm am really liking this!

Other than fixing the formatting... good story. Interesting concept to think of what might've happened to Midnight if she completely gave up on interacting with other ponies, and I'm a bit curious about this cult Twilight seems to have stumbled upon.

Hmm, so that's how you'll introduce Nyx. I'm guessing she'll be taking the place of Squeaky Wings?

I really enjoyed reading your take on Midnight's personality, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what her interaction/reaction to the Royal Guard will be.

It's a bit hard to differentiate what Twilight think from the narration, I would suggest you to write her thinking in italic.

That said, it's a good intro. I hope the rest of the story will stay as good.

Really enjoying this story

“She won’t be like the ponies you know,” Zecora had said. “But not so different either, you know.”

*Smack* No! Bad author! We don't rhyme words with themselves! Go to the corner and think about what you did.

Not bad at all. I'll see where this goes.

wait so nyx or are you going to change her name is going to live with twilight or midnight :rainbowhuh:
you can answer this or just let me wait for the chapters
I am just curious
btw great chapter

Well, that went marginally better than expected, at least some of the guards and the commanding officer know how to act like professionals. You did a good mix of some guards being overly aggressive and others doing their job correctly. I'm curious to see exactly what happens to Midnight and Nyx, and just what the guards will do in the coming interview.

Good chapter
Hope the guards don't try anything... for their sake

In the picture, which one's the Kirin?

8570649 Given how Nyx is clinging to Midnight, I'd say she will be named Nightfall Storm.
8570738 (left to right) Sapphire Breeze, Midnight Storm, Nyx, Twilight, and Luna.

Shipping sense's tingling Launch all the ships!

I'm missing something...

on the contrary, too much informations... and I really really hope I'm wrong or I misunderstand Xs (foalcon)

except that the chapter is great, hope to see the next chapter soon =)

I'm pretty sure it's not that. If you read the stories this one takes inspiration from (The Witching Hour and it's sequel), you'd see that Midnight's love interest is an adult. Who happens to be on this fics cover pic.

filly with one arm, returning - Pretty sure "arm" is supposed to either be wing or hoof.

Well, looks like Midnight is getting farther and farther away from the safety of the forest... let's hope there isn't a panic once the rich ponies get a glimpse of her. Also, hmm, now I'm curious to see exactly how this meeting with the Princess will differ from the original. Midnight's not gonna be in her own home for one thing, and adding in the kid she's protecting and she might be even more on edge.

Also, yay for the doctors not being bigots!

Yeah, I know, I read them too (midnight storm more than three time... XD), it's just the two phrase of the author's note.... aaaand I just see the two different colors meaning it's two person who talk about diferent things, my bad.

No, just Calypso shipping Midnight.
Did I get the colors right?
Changed to wing, thanks.

Oh, that's Midnight and Calypso talking in the A/N.
Never mind, got it

It's cute watching Midnight take care of Nightfall, a lot of adults I know don't keep their patience nearly as well when kids start asking a lot of questions. I'm looking forward to the reactions of everyone involved once you have the group from everfree meet up with the royals, I can't wait to see how you have Luna act in particular. If she's understanding of the filly's situation or if she'll blow her top. Heh, I don't think Midnight would appreciate the latter.

:rainbowderp: That... didn't go at all like I'd expected. Bravo, Celestia, Princess of Second Chances!

Aww, that was a nice move on Midnight's part. Sticking close to Nightfall rather than jerking back, perhaps her own experiences of being treated like a monster have helped her empathy in this regard. I'm really looking forward to the coming conversation, I can't wait to see how you have Celestia interact with the two of them. :eeyup:

Also, once again it appears that Ponyville will be the town to reintegrate Midnight back into society... cause it doesn't appear that Canterlot will be very welcoming. Eh, I'm curious to see what you'll do with Midnight's living situation once she heads back, stay in the forest or get a place closer to town?

Yay new chapter

Heh, now that I think about it, Midnight could be a perfect cover as Nightfall's mom. Quite a few ponies could believe they were actual Mother/Daughter, what with the similarities they share. And while their current interaction is cute, and a good portent for their future relationship, I'm curious to see how long it'll be until the truly see each other as family?

Princess, I’d like to see them try.”

This made me instantly think of this scene

I love this so much! I have no idea why I waited so long to start reading this.

Thank you for putting this together, and I'll be sure to toss an extra bit into that patreon bucket.

Interesting, really interesting.
Very good intro, nice work. :twilightsmile:

A reasonable Celestia! How refreshing! :trollestia:

You make a good point, specially with her slitted eyes.

Nice story so far, good work. :twilightsmile:

stares at new ponyAre you my mummy?

Midnight, who had just chugged a nearby glass of water for no apparent reason, performs an epic spit-take. After all, those two ain't bow-chica-wow-wowin' yet in this story!

Nice to get a glimpse inside Nightfall's thoughts, we got to see her take on her... resurrection? New chance at life? Yeah, let's go with that. I loved how she's already connected Midnight with safety. That's an important thing that Midnight needs if she plans on being Nightfall's mom.

I see Midnight as more of a father than a mother.

Heh, yeah with her personality I can totally see why you'd think that. And I'm perfectly fine with that, mostly due to it being my own view of her in Ink's story as well. I mostly just said mom due to her being female.

Nice chapter, good work. :twilightsmile:

How about actially naming the chapters?
Furthermore, the summary does need paragraphs.

"Sitationmarks", are for everything that is a quote, thoughts are no exception.

Ps: You do know that you can edit the Author's Note? Remove outdated information and keep it as shourt as possible.

Hmm, looking like Midnight won't be allowed to be very self sufficient. And I'm not sure I'm a fan of the whole forced move thing if Nyx's identity becomes known. Curious to see how/if that affects her ability to make friends. And who knows? Maybe she'll get discovered and we'll get a daw moment where she starts crying about not wanting to leave her friends.

And as for her potential job, having a shop in the middle of town might be a bit of a boon. Ponies wouldn't have to travel as far to pick up their wood. On the other hoof, Midnight would have to transport it into town.

twilight might just say "let's not have a repeat of the incident with Zecora"

Midnight couldn’t hide her grin. “What about… the other agents. The princess mentioned there would be more…”
“Several plainclothes guards,” Sapphire said. “It’s probably best if youdon’tknow who they are. The fewer ponies know, the less likely they are to get caught.

You don't say? :trollestia:

Nice chapter, good work.

Besides—it was probably nothing.

Famous last words... :derpytongue2:

Nice chapter, good work.

*hasn't even started yet and notices that it more or less has the approval of one of the authors*
might be worth reading after all.

Aww shit, she shouldn’t have been awake.

Hmm, I don't think her hearing the conversation will be as bad as others seem to expect. While hearing that a demon might be coming after her, and seeing Luna, might shake her up. Hearing Midnight do nothing but defend her from any slight, real or imagined, aught to bring her even closer to the Kirin. It's always nice to KNOW that someone loves you after all.

So I'm curious. If Midnight got Nyx/Nightfall, does that mean Twilight's going to get Squeaky?

Nightfall could use a big sister. :yay:

Nice chapter, good work.

Midnight has a tailblade? I can think of only one other fictional character who has one of those.

She has always had one.

Yeah, but I was saying she was the second fictional character I’ve found to have a blade at the end of her tail. I was hoping you could guess who was the first.

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