• Member Since 24th Dec, 2013
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Bryan Luna

Megan is my inspiration and my example. Till all are one, and may the power protect you.

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I'm still feeling livid · 11:33pm January 15th

Here is why, I nearly got hit by an inattentive drive in a full sized pick up truck.

Now, I am fine, physically, mentally, not so much. I am actually livid, not angry, livid. At the time of this posting it's been nearly four and half hours since this inattentive idiot, who should not have a driver's license, nearly hit me.

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Comments ( 181 )
  • Viewing 162 - 181 of 181

I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. I've read so many of your stories.

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

I've been busy trying to get out of the rut I've been in and get back to writing.

It's just that I haven't seen any of your posts lately.

I haven't gone anywhere.

Do you plan on coming back at any point?

I'd say it worked out well then.


I was going to have her cast some sort of spell to warm up Bridlewood but then I chose against it because I wanted it to be lesson learned for her.

What a silly story that was.

I'm glad to see Izzy learned her lesson though.

Again, thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the fave.

Till all are one.

I understood that reference.

Yay, the plan worked! I got a smile! 😁

No prob, dude. You deserve it. 😇

Thanks a lot man.

It's a very fluffy story, so I just had to quote Despicable Me.

  • Viewing 162 - 181 of 181
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