• Member Since 24th Dec, 2013
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Bryan Luna

Megan is my inspiration and my example. Till all are one, and may the power protect you.


I'm still feeling livid · 11:33pm January 15th

Here is why, I nearly got hit by an inattentive drive in a full sized pick up truck.

Now, I am fine, physically, mentally, not so much. I am actually livid, not angry, livid. At the time of this posting it's been nearly four and half hours since this inattentive idiot, who should not have a driver's license, nearly hit me.

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Report Bryan Luna · 84 views ·

Elden Ring, Diablo 4, and dark fantasy. · 5:47pm Mar 28th, 2023

So, I haven't mentioned this much, but I'm a 80's kid. As a result I grew up with some, or a lot of dark fantasy movies. It's hard to remember which. :rainbowlaugh:

Last year I started playing Elden Ring finally, fully reintroducing me to the genre. And over the last weekend I played the Diablo 4 open beta, which shows a lot pf promise as a game. It has also provided some inspiration for my writing.

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Report Bryan Luna · 156 views ·

If I had a Nickle for every time I Have a major medical emergency that ended surgery in the month of February, I'd have two Nickels, which isn't much, but let's agree that it is weird that has happened twice. · 3:05am Feb 14th, 2023

Like title say everyone it has happened again. Only this time, the implications were much worse.

Instead of a broken leg, I would up with severe dehydration which caused me to start going into kidney failure. My umbilical hernia went from a fluid filled sack to actually having part intestines in it.

This caused my system get backed up, which led to me getting sick, throwing up more than once a day for multiple days in a row.

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Report Bryan Luna · 86 views ·

Umbra Shroud · 8:41pm Jan 9th, 2023

So thanks to the incomperable Medic Pony Traumalane we finally have a look at my little Umbra.

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Report Bryan Luna · 148 views ·

I want to briefly address fan entitlement and toxicity. · 1:17am Nov 29th, 2022

Okay everyone, for a while I have been thinking about an learning more about some very pronounced problems with fandoms in general. Specifically, toxicity and entitlement.

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Report Bryan Luna · 111 views ·

I've been rebooted in the butt. · 1:38am Aug 3rd, 2022

So I have been looking over Believe in Magic and come to an unwanted conclusion.

That being that the tragedy at the start of the story does not actually fit in with the rest of the story and its overall tone. So I am removing this aspect of the story and transferring it to another EQG story I have in the works.

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Report Bryan Luna · 163 views ·

Thirty Eight years ago. · 10:10pm Apr 14th, 2022

Hey everypony, it's currently April 14th 2022. And for me it is a big milestone.

You see, it was thirty-eight years ago on this very date that I became a My Little Pony fan after having watched Rescue at Midnight Castle.

At that time I never even considered where the I.P., or myself would be in later years. It has been one wild ride at times. :rainbowlaugh:

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Report Bryan Luna · 214 views ·

My eighth anniversary, and a furry guest · 12:53am Dec 25th, 2021

So it's been eight years to the day since I joined FimFiction and it has been quite a ride.

I've seen an entirely new series come and pass, only to see the start of a genuine successor series. That is a first in MLP history, and there is still no way of knowing how it will turn out.

I am curious to see it though.

I am also trying to return to writing, but this year has made it quite rough on me.

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Report Bryan Luna · 121 views ·

Back on my feet, sort of · 9:11pm Apr 15th, 2021

So I finally got the phone call I'd been waiting for everyone, a day freaking late!

*sighs* Yeah, so I got the call and I am weight bearing on my right leg again, only to an extent though. I've been actually walking around with aid of my walker, and after two moths of being off my right foot it just feels weird.

At any rate I'll be back in my apartment sooner rather than later and then I'll be working on my recovery for the next six weeks.

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Report Bryan Luna · 143 views ·

Fucking finally · 7:00pm Apr 2nd, 2021

Upfront, sorry for the rough language everyone, but things just got fully squared away today.

And was informed just recently. And yes, I am going home tomorrow after many complications, hiccups, and general aggravation. :pinkiesick:

On the upside, I am in fact, safe to travel even with my blood clot. And I'll be getting out of this noisy, stressful place.

I am grateful for the help I've received, but I am very unhappy with all of the problems.

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Report Bryan Luna · 172 views ·