It's Been A While · 1:59am Dec 30th, 2015
I haven't uploaded anything onto Fimfiction since February 14th... until today!
The idea to write Feelings For Scootaloo hit me when I was out taking a walk, then I came home and wrote the first draft for it. And now that it's done, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Couldn't have been done without the editing of retroman000 and Feather Note.
Thank you for the fave
2194158 You're welcome!
Thanks for the fave on Bisexual Bliss!
2169116 You're very welcome!
Thank you for the fave!
2146374 Lovely!
Thanks for the watch
Have a watch back
2090685 You're welcome.
Thanks for the Favorite on The Setting of the Sun. Much appreciated.
Thanks for the fave!