The Conversion Bureau: Cold War's Cancellation · 10:24pm Jul 7th, 2014
I am afraid that after nearly a year of no updates, (this is kind of a thing with me, I know) I must put the final nail in the coffin with this fan fiction. The reality is, despite the fact that TCB: Cold War was initially fun to write, and that it did gain a huge following, the unfortunate reality is that the Anti-TCB group is not only dwindling in numbers, its opposition is for the most part suffering the same fate. Among all this, and the fact that very few TCB related fictions are still
Dude I don't wanna shoot you down with my Tunguska
But I gotta
I'm what happens when you take the A10 off the battlefield
Have faith my friend. The squadron will be reformed. With F-35s!
Yep, that's right.
Besides, ever since the 617 Squadron of the RAF disbanded, I've been exploring the world, and currently making my stay here in the US.
Sorry RAF, but you shouldn't have shut down the squadron!
Yes. We third-gen NATO warplanes gotta stick together, right?