• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2013

Th4t Dark c0rner


Eugh... · 11:48am Dec 10th, 2012

M'kay, this is really starting to get old now. I seem to lack the enthusiasm I once had when it comes to reading. I have 110 unread chapters and that's AFTER I trimmed the fat.
Due to the VAST amount of high quality fanfics this sight has to offer (Not sure if sarcastic or not) I have become jaded. I only even bother reading a few of my favourited stories that I consider the 'best of the best' and even then...

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Report Th4t Dark c0rner · 457 views ·
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A sequel to Griffin the Griffin came out. God help us.

It got worse. He impregnated Gilda.

brb killing self

Thank you so much for the Fave of my story The Youth in the Garden! That you would means that my efforts to commemorate a life and a battle worked to some small degree.


Hope you enjoy the story.

190963 Sure thing.
Oh, and by the way?

I kill authors that disappoint me. :pinkiehappy:


Eeyup. The train cometh for them.

Also, could ya give Price Of Peace a read? I'd like to know your opinion.

  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43
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