• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen June 20th

Fallen Prime

An enigma as vexing as life itself.

Fan/fic/ Theater 3015 and 3019


Where I'm at now. · 1:36am Jul 1st, 2023

I couldn't tell you why I still have a FIMFiction tab open on my browser, and I can't even tell you the last time I clicked onto it. I think it's realistic that posting this is the last major activity I'll grant the site.

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Stuff That ISN'T Riffing

Comments ( 456 )
  • Viewing 452 - 456 of 456


What I’m currently guessing is that he tried namesearching himself, found our Redux announcement post where we briefly mentioned him, and the vagueness of the “Rotten Recursion” description got him to click on it.

If he actually managed to send you one of the Part Two links instead, though, then I’d be legitimately amazed. Not that they’re especially difficult to find or anything, it’s just not something that I’d ever have expected him to stumble upon.

Let me know what you track down.


Knowing Mykan and how he's utterly convinced his haters are one large conspiratorial organization? I'd say yes.

I'll see what I can do about that.


Hah, seriously? Now I’m wondering how the hell he even found it to begin with, was he just randomly reading our riffs or something? I’d love to see whatever he sent you guys if you still have it, since that sounds ridiculous.

  • Viewing 452 - 456 of 456
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