Where I'm at now. · 1:36am Jul 1st, 2023
I couldn't tell you why I still have a FIMFiction tab open on my browser, and I can't even tell you the last time I clicked onto it. I think it's realistic that posting this is the last major activity I'll grant the site.
I do owe this place a lot, and I speak no hyperbole when I say it changed my life. It got me more immersed in a fanbase than I'd ever been before, and for a series I was nervous about letting people know I even liked. It inspired me to write fanfiction, and even if those stories didn't age like wine or get completed, I look back fondly on writing and sharing it. But more importantly, I met my best friend in the world here, and we went from being half a country apart to living under the same roof. That would not have been possible without this place and the show that inspired it.
But I haven't felt a meaningful connection with the series or the site in a long time. I don't think I'll be engaging with it beyond this post, and in fact, I mainly came here to talk about what I've been doing off-site.
First of all, that project I mentioned in my blog a year and a half ago did not come to fruition. At least, not for the year of 2022. I did, however, actually start this year - six months of seeing every movie that gets a wide enough release to hit the theaters I can get into for free*. I've just wrapped a screening of No Hard Feelings as I write this (god, imagine me coming back another year and a half later and not remembering that movie until I read that title back), and the rest of June's releases are due for a watch next week. The endeavor is being chronicled in this little document here, with a ranking at the bottom based on my first impressions right out of the theater. Spoilers: Spider-Verse is on top so far, but it was a hard-fought position.
More relevant to this site, I've done a lot more fanfic writing, but none of it has been ponies, and none of it has been public... until last night. The Digimon story I discussed all that time ago has its first chapter published on Archive of Our Own, which is my fic hub now. Once that story arc is all set, I'll put more time into making the Batman story I mentioned budge, as well as a third story I've started since that last blog set in the Godzilla universe. The link above is to my profile rather than the story, so if any of that ever sees the light of the day, it's all there. Just... don't hold your breath for me to port my MLP stories. I don't think it's happening.
Shit, I don't know how many of the friends I made on this site are even still on the site to see this. If any of them do... it'd be neat to catch back up. Beyond that, I more or less wash my hands of this place, though I'll linger a bit to see if this reaches any eyes whatsoever. Maybe I still have enough pull to get more views on my blog here than my story got in a day on AO3.
Thanks for the ride, you crazy bastards.
well shit
here's to the last hurrah of a legend, huh?
for what it's worth, your old riffs on ponyriffs.com(or was it .net?) were what got me into this cute horse show, so at least you can leave knowing that much
Glad to hear you're doing well, man.
Your stories are still in my favorites, I just reread them. Decided to see what was happening. A blog post this year is definitely something, plenty of stories who haven't been online in years.
So just in case I did want to leave a post. Best of luck with everything your doing and going to do and thanks for the stories.