Headed right into a sandstorm, huh?
That sucks. Shame you don't have some kind of eye protection, right? Something readily available that you've been using for half a season?
Headed right into a sandstorm, huh?
That sucks. Shame you don't have some kind of eye protection, right? Something readily available that you've been using for half a season?
I can't. I really can't.
After being sidelined for all six Tri films, the Zero Two crew is finally getting a film.
But with how Tri kept getting more and more convoluted as the films released, and after Last Evolution was absolutely depressing as fuck, I'm no longer interested in how they try to clean that mess up.
I'm trying very hard to reserve judgement until I can marathon all six films, preferably in English, but I've only seen the first Digimon Tri film so far, and Toei has produced five so far, of six (#5 premiered yesterday overseas).
If I'm reading this correctly, the Zero Two cast (Davis, Yolei, Cody, and Ken) have yet to make a single appearance.
That's... That's unacceptable, Toei. Who wrote this and thought it was a good idea?
You know, I'm often enjoy a lot Latin American anime singers. We have legends like Adrián Barba and Cesar Franco, who're still producing to this day. If you listen to their covers, it's pure enthusiasm and energy. Here you have Barba's take on Ultimate Battle, for example. Try to not get excited by it:
Garnet- Renamon
Ruby- Gaomon
Sapphire- Lunamon
Amethyst- Agumon (Data squad)
Pearl- Simon the digger
Steven- Klonoa
Peridot- Impmon
Jasper- Machamp
Lapis- Ranamon
Yellow diamond- Lucemon chaos mode
Rose quartz- Heart aino
Sugilite- Megidramon
Sardonyx- Sakuyamon
Alexandrite- Gallantmon
Machalite- Belzeemon
Connie- Lopmon
Stevethyst- shoutmon
Stevonnie- Galgomon
Lars- Larry
Sadie- Hoogi
Peedee fryman- Henry
Barbara (Sadie’s Mom)- Footi
Jamie- Takato
The best part of writing a story that takes place in 2002 is having to go to Google to ask "Did this thing exist 19 years ago?"
Case in point: portable MP3 players
Answer: Yes, they first hit the market in 1997, but I owned a CD player until 2007.
Alright, I don't know much about the uncensored, original version of Digimon Adventure, but the hitchhiking scene doesn't need subtitles to get its humor across.
Botamon- Black jigglypuff
Koromon- Jigglypuff
Agumon- Charmander
Greymon- Charmeleon
Metalgreymon- Charizard
Wargreymon- Mega charizard Y
Blackwargreymon- Mega charizard X
Skullgreymon- Marowack
Jiryarimon- Red Igglypuff
Gigimon- Gible
Guilmon- Gabite
Growlmon- Garchomp
Wargrowlmon- Mega Garchomp
Megidramon- Hydra
Gallantmon- Pit
Gallantmon crimson mode- three sacred treasures
Relemon- Yellow jigglypuff
Viximon- Fennekin
Renamon- Braixen
Kyubimon- Ninetails
The 3rd chapter of Digimon United has finally been updated!
You can read the story on the following sites:
After all this time, which an immense amount of help from my co-writers, the second chapter of Digimon united has finally been updated!
You can read the story on the following sites:
Happy 25th, Digimon Adventure.
Okay, so as 90's kids who are old enough already know, the Digimon Movie that released in 2000 was originally three completely separate films, which Fox Kids heavily edited and crammed together into one very discombobulated story.
Takato- Steven
Rika- Lori loud
Henry- Mike (Total drama)
Jeri- Connie
Yamaki- Flare grunt
Tally- Leni loud
One of those times when a fanmade trailer absolutely destroys what the studio puts out, because this got me hyped for Tri like nothing else has.
Toei, this is what you need to do, and Saban, I pray you license this for dubbing, because I grew up with dub, and couldn't get into the sub version.
And yeah, they used the rap, but it wasn't horridly overused like it was in that absolute abomination of a movie.
Whoo, we're 14 episodes down, 37 to go, and first story arc is done. He's really liking how deep it's getting, and little does he know, we're still in the kiddie pool.
And his pick for best human so far?
Up to Episode 18, into the next story arc, and Brady has figured the devas out even before we've reached the point where they're revealed as zodiac signs.
We're gonna try to have Tamers finished before No Man's Sky comes out next Friday, so we're gonna probably watch them in clusters.
During our Tamers marathon, half of my entertainment has been Brady's peanut gallery comments.
"Renamon digivolve into... Ninetails!"
"Suzie's a tamer? Are you FUCKING kidding me?!?"
But the fact that he was completely silent during Lionheart, Give A Little Bit, and The Battle Within speaks immense volumes at how dark this season got, and how quickly it went there.
So much of this chapter was written on a whim over the last 26 hours, after getting some help honing some finer plot points with readers and long-time Digimon fan authors.
I really don't think I can claim I've improved so drastically from my early days if I don't bring in as much of the supporting cast as I can. Fourteen years ago, I went so far as to kill off characters simply because I didn't want to write them. Ugh... Man I sucked back then.