I'm glad you appreciate it, but it gets annoying. You wrote a story I felt was worth favouring. You don't owe me anything else.
Bunches of People That Make Me Feel Less Alone36
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The Best of the Good
So Long, and Thanks for All the Ponies A re-imaginining of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... with ponies naturally. by Sir Ginger 58,995 words · 646 · 12
The Celestia Code Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal Archives. by iisaw 69,133 words · 2,864 · 66
Fridge Horror Derpy was just trying to make a sandwich. Vinyl was there too. Now the world is ending. Really, it's all their fault. by Aragon 13,571 words · 560 · 21
A few stories I stumbled across that impressed me. Not listed in order of quality.
Things I Managed to Write
- Kaijutsu · 3.2k words · 158 10 · 5.4k views
You would also like Albert Camus, whose biggest idea was essentially absurdity. Also Beckett if you ain't seen Endgame or Waiting for Godot
Thx for the fav!
Thank you for enjoying "Why Me?" and adding it to your favorites!
Thanks for the faves on The Celestia Code and The Luna Cypher!
Thanks a lot for the fav! I appreciate it.