Welcome to Prak's corner of the cesspool.
You might be asking yourself, "Who is this chainsaw-wielding madman with the interesting titles by his name?"
You might also ask how he got those titles, to which he'll reply by pointing into the distance and yelling, "Holy crap! Look at the size of that distraction!"
Alas, the game-breaking monk in the picture is just a character from a movie, but behind the excellent avatar lurks an equally (in his own mind) interesting character. Here are some facts about the person who calls himself Prak:
—He is older than most of you.
—He thinks he's funny, but you can decide whether he's correct.
—He keeps his writing family-friendly.
—He writes a series of reader-centric, semi-comedic, fic review blogs called Badfic Slaughterhouse, currently on hiatus.
—He is currently speaking in third-person for no particular reason.
—He has edited the work of many of the fandom's most prominent authors and even more who deserve some prominence of their own.
—He is mostly inactive now, but he responds to messages, and you never know when he'll surprise everyone with new material.
—His interests include reading, writing, animation, tabletop gaming, motorsports, professional wrestling, poker, PC gaming, and proselytizing about the virtues of libertarianism.
Thanks. But yeah, having never done this before, I figured I'd err on the side of caution.
Sure, go ahead. You actually don't even need my permission to use something like that.
Hi there! I'm trying to get a printed version of The Education of Clover the Clever ready for the Bronycon bookstore, and I was wondering if I could use your blurb from the Royal Guard feature back in 2014 on the cover?
Exactly. Like when politicians say, “We need to do something.” No we freaking don’t. Very often the best solution is to do nothing. If Cthulhu causes a problem, the answer isn’t more Cthulhu.
So you too know the frustration of trying to convince cultists that worshiping Cthulhu might not be such a good idea, only to have them insist that if they paint him the proper color, he'll be the best thing ever.