• Member Since 27th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2014



Muleicous Riffs series:
Don't Move a Muscle
My Little Pasta: Friendship is Creepy-Prologue
Twilight vs Oral Hygiene
Derpy's Finest Hour
Love's ProblemsStrange Dreams
Incest in your Cup
Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper:
Chapter 1
Dragon of the Eclipse, Co-riff with Super Big Mac:
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
A Debt to Pay:
Part 1, Part 2
Fluttershy Eats Meat

Mystery Pinkie Pie Theater 3000 Guest Submissions:
The Loving Spoonful
Apple Cinnamon
Vacation is Elation:
Chapter 1,Chapter 2,
Intermission Riff-Fluffy, Chapter 3,Chapter 4
Fluffershy Co-riff with Super Big Mac

List of Future Riffs

Princess Celestia and the Fat Free Pringles(co-riff with twow443?)
Princess Celestia and the Laser Pointer
Scootaloo is Slightly Flame Retardant
Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper(Ch.2 &3)
Shining Armor's Biggest Mistake
Gentleman for Mares
Equestria Bound
Dragon of the Eclipse (co-riff with Super Big Mac)


Fluttershy eats Meat riff · 3:34am Sep 26th, 2013

... Some people are just dumb. Hey guys, Muleicous here, and I've got a bad one for you today. It's a fic about Fluttershy eating meat and the other ponies being omnivores. Yeah, sounds really bad huh? Well it gets worse.

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Report Muleicous22 · 396 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

My old account wasn't King of Squirrels, it was Muleicous, and it still seems to be up. If I'm banned that seems kind of unfair, considering I didn't do anything to really deserve it other than some riffing on fics.

If it got banned then I guess there's not much I can do. Knightly hasn't replied to any of my emails, so I'm not sure.

Hey Mr... Mules or something, right? xD Anyways, you say for some reason you can't login into your actully account? KingOfSqurrls or something, right? Well, you might want to take a look at your old account...
Guise, what does "banned" mean?

393004 Dude, we ever gonna continue that riff of DotE???

394225 Wow, really? That sucks... Well, I hope your conundrum resolves itself eventually, good sir.

In the meantime, have a Scootaloo.

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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