• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2021



So now... · 2:30am Jul 18th, 2013

I'm finally finding some time to get back to writing, you'll like this...I already had 6 pages written of the next chapter...now I have 5 pages...

Now before anyone panics let me explain; as I haven't really written anything for this story since about February it required myself to re-read what I already put and, well...lets just say what was lost is no real loss. Although the pace is something I need to get into again. But yes, not dead...just horribly delayed.

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Thanks for the fave on "He Who Wears the Crown"! :rainbowkiss:

Hey there! Thanks a ton for the favorite and the watch! I'm glad you enjoyed my work. :pinkiehappy:


Hard to say...I can't keep myself focused enough to get down to it, that and my free time is practically non-existent.

It may be a long while if I do...

you ever gonna start writing again?

Thanks for the fave on Viva Las Pegasus!

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Random Story idea

There is right now absolutely 0% chance of anything coming of this. However it's been nagging me for a while and since I felt like writing something similar to a movie trailer it fit perfectly with this. Enjoy this rambling, as I doubt anything will come from it.

Late into the Equestrian-Zebra war, a ministry mare comes up with a bold plan…a plan so secretive that not even the princesses or her own fellow ministry mares were aware of its existence…

The conference room was full of all the scientists and specialists she was allotted for her ministry. The Ministry of Awesome was never considered an important or useful ministry compared to the ones run by her friends. As brash and bold as she was, she’d rather help in secret then out in the open…this war had made her extra cautious, and her usual style was too easy to fall into the enemy hooves.

The table was now filled, it was time to start.

“Ladies and Gentle colts, I thank you for coming. You’re probably wondering why I called all of you hear, I called you here to discuss this.”

She started passing out files to each member in the room, it was a simple folder with her ministry seal on it with the words ‘TOP SECRET’ stamped across it. Under her seal was the codename of her project, her master plan to bring this war to a swift and decisive end.

A plan codenamed: Spartan

“Project Spartan is to build the perfect super soldier, outfitted with the most high tech armor, with our best weapons and sent out into the field. If it’s done right, One Spartan will be as strong as an entire squadron. Over a hundred Spartans and we’d have the Zebra’s begging for us to end this war.”

“Miss Dash, these requirements…there’s no way a simple solider will be able to meet all these requirements.”

“That’s why I said we build them…”

A surprised hush fell on the conference room

“Are you telling us…you want us to genetically engineer the perfect soldier?”


“Well Miss Dash, besides the un-ethical ramifications in doing so, where do you plan on getting your DNA for your super soldiers?”

To build a Squadron of Super Soldiers to win this war, you have to start with the greatest samples available…

“They’re going to be gathered from both Princesses, and all of the Bearers of the Element’s of Harmony.”

Gasps echoed on the walls of the room as she smirked.

“If you want the best, you have to start with the best…and then make them better.”

Over the coming years, Hundreds of Spartans were made in secrecy deep in the mountain that held Canterlot. Miss Rainbow Dash asked her friends to make certain things, things that would ultimately help make the Spartans the best of the best. The elite fighting force of the war. Before the Mega spell’s fell on that fateful day there were 119 Active Spartan’s on the battlefield. But much like the Wasteland of today all were wiped out in the massive attack that destroyed the world…

All but one.

200 years later…

Emergency Power Activated
AI: Twi starting up…
System normal
AI: Twi started with no errors.
System/The hushed casket/ Enter
The Hushed Casket is warming up


He was pulled in for some special tests…


The first Spartan to be integrated with an AI in their armor…


The first to have an Active HUD…


The first with Active shielding…


The last of his kind…


The only one with true blood lines to all the Ministry Mares and both Princesses…


The only one selected for the most secretive mission…

Whoa, whoa, whoa


A mission that could end the war, but also…


Whoa, whoa, whoa

A mission that could still save the world…


The hushed Casket is now open. Spartan 117’s vitals’ are all green.

“Wake up Chief, I need you…the world needs you.”

I’m waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I’m breathing in the chemicals

“Hello Twi, what’s the situation?”

“Chief, you’re not going to like this…I can scarcely believe it myself”

“What is it?”

“We’ve been MIA for 200 years”

I’m breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse, whoa

In a world destroyed…

I’m waking up; I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems go
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Where the good are outnumbered by the bloodthirsty…

“Hostile’s inbound. Check your HUD Chief.”

“Are they Zebras?”

“Negative…they’re…they’re ponies.”

“That can’t be right, check it again.”

“Chief, the war’s over…we’re not fighting the Zebra’s anymore.”

“No…we’re fighting a new war.”

Whoa, whoa, radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, whoa, I’m radioactive, radioactive

When the hope seems lost…

“Can you find any members of the squad?”



“Chief…they’re gone…they’re all gone.”

I raise my flags, don my clothes
It’s a revolution I suppose
We’re painted red to fit right in, whoa

The only way to save the future…

“These notes are in Rainbow Dash’s writing…they’re some kind of plans…”

“What kind of plans?”

“It looks like plans that could’ve ended the war…”

I’m breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse, whoa

Is to destroy the world…

“I’ve itemized the first location to head to, coming up in your HUD now.”

“What will I find there?”

“Hopefully some more answers as to how the hell this is supposed to work.”

I’m waking up; I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems go
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age

It won't be easy...

“Chief, those ponies over there could use a hand!”

“Activate ‘friend or foe’ tag and identify their weak spot”

“Done, north east corner and you better hurry!”

Whoa, whoa, radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, whoa, I’m radioactive, radioactive

Self-Sacrifice never is...

“What the hell are you?”

“He is called a Spartan, but you can call him Master Chief.”

“I’ve never seen anything like that; if it wasn’t for you we’d all be dead…”

All systems go, sun hasn’t died
Deep in my bones, straight from inside

“You can’t do this, innocent ponies lives are at stake!”

“This world doesn’t know the meaning of the word innocent, this is the only way we can prevent the war from happening, so that no pony has to ever go through with this.”

“There’s no concrete knowledge that this will actually work! You could destroy everything that all these ponies fought and died for!”

“And what of my fight and my loss? Does that not count for something?”

“Chief listen-“

“NO you listen, my mission is clear. This is what I have to do, so either you’re with me or you’re against me.”

I’m waking up; I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems go
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age

“Chief we’re not going to make it!”

“We’ll make it.”

“It’s been an honor serving with you sir…”

Whoa, whoa, radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, whoa, I’m radioactive, radioactive

Fallout Equestria: Endgame Spartan