• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2017


Hey. I'm that1dude. I read fics. I also write fics. Someday, I might even finish one.


I'm not dead! · 4:46am Oct 16th, 2014

It's true.

I'm just not reading many fics these days. It's perfectly normal for me. The urge to read fics comes in cycles. I just don't feel like it right now. I will in the future. I just don't know when.

See you guys then.

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Comments ( 104 )
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Hey, Dude! Thanks a bunch for adding my story The Railway Ponies: Highball to your Favorites bookshelf. I hope you could feel the oil, see the steam, and hear the song of steel.:twilightsmile:

So I see! Glad to hear it, and thanks for adding "Old Habits" to that list!

Also, two more side stories are launching tomorrow, so look forward to those as well!

Edit: And thanks for faving "Carry On" and "The Definition of Strength" as well! Plus "Hearth's Warming Cookies!"

Final edit: And "Emoticon." I think that's all of them!

1555121 I'll probably end up faving a few more of your stories, man. I enjoy your work.

I'm glad you enjoyed "Why Me?" Thanks for the fave!

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