Magical Site Advertisment · 6:12am Mar 21st, 2015
I legit just saw an ad on this website to go watch Schmoyoho on YouTube. I like to listen to them sometimes when I write anyway, so I went and did click on that link. I feel like everyone just won. Feels good.
On an unrelated note, more Hollow to come in the following days.
EDIT: On a more related note, I'm guessing this site must know your tastes somewhat because I get a lot of ads for Psychic readings too. Considering I am already a fortune teller, this is a moot point for me.
not gonna lie....that ending scared me with the Hollow Kingdom *shivers* good stuff
1701280 damn sonne
Recent events have proven that I am indeed not the king. In the coming days I will probably have to fight the beautiful girl from Texas who is actually the king of wands, and quite frankly that scares the crap outta me. I'm more of a XXII if we're being honest.
To quote my good friend HLJ: "Sometimes you just gotta go on a vision-quest."
1700091 you were gone for quite some time
The king has returned!