• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago


Hysterical. Glacial.

Reminder to myself

Just write something oh my god

Those Things the Cheese Wrote

Comments ( 48 )
  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48

Man, thanks so much for getting me into r63 shippings, and clone shippings with that. Five years ago I wouldn’t have cared about these ships, but now I’m open to all of the epic STRAIGHT NATION fics I could have with the Mane 6. Seriously a really good genre to add to my list :rainbowwild::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Well it says you were online recently so that makes me feel a bit better. Again hope all is okay I wish you the best.

Nah. They’re all planned out way in advance. It’s the execution that takes time. Thank you, though.

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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