• Member Since 20th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2021


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Howdy all! · 6:27pm May 31st, 2015

So...It's been a while since I've done anything on this site. Last time I was here was when I posted Pinkamena. Since then I've been kind of busy with both school and work. I've been trying to save up some money as I've only got about a year left until I graduate college.I have been trying to get some writing done, and the next TWtCA chapter is almost complete and should be posted in a few days. I'm trying to get myself back on to a better writing schedule, though working five days a week and

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Report Aslfrasle · 385 views · Story: The World that Came After ·
Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

It's about time you added me, punk :ajsmug:

Thanks for the Favorite of Applejacked

and the favor of Dusk Shine

Hey, thanks for adding Iron Mare to your favorites! :pinkiehappy: I hope you continue to love the story in the future! :rainbowkiss:

Hey thank you kindly for faving "The Princess's Keeper"

Thanks for the Favorite of Dusk Shine Rising. With any luck I'll have a new, small, chapter ready fairly soon.

  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57
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