• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Fullmetal Pony

Why the name? FMA is awesome. Why the avatar? I like One Piece even more. Welcome to my page and enjoy the stories!


Happy 4th · 8:20pm July 4th

Hey all,

Happy 4th!

New Infinite Ponygram chapter out.

Sorry for the wait.

I had been making an attempt at writing outside of fanfiction but it seems the time is not yet right for that. I'll have to consider looking for groups and keeping my skills up here without letting stuff like that get me down and out of writing.

When I publish though, just know I'll be someone else.

And that shall be my only hint at my alias.

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Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

Hey, Fullmetal Pony! When will you publish a new story or release new chapters to your stories?

Just wanted to say, *really* like your One Pie avatar! Most awesome. :pinkiehappy:

Hey, Fullmetal Pony, me again.

I see that you have started to list the name of Talents and their ability in the latest chapter, and I think you should do it for the others too.

Just an advice.

Ah, so Applejack's power is basically this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdAQJBOHVfA

Thanks for replying, now everything is clear.

P.S. : I guess our Shigaraki-stand in is supposed to Starlight (equal signs and all that). Wonder who All for One is, though. Tirek? (both steal power). But your fic also mentioned a Nightmare Moon and Sombra...

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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