Undertale 1,144 members · 153 stories

For fans of Undertale.

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Grab Undertale and its Soundtrack here: Steam Store.

Comments ( 75 )
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It says it contains adult content but it doesn’t probably due to the dark and violence tags

Sans and papyrus are my favorite characters.

Vee hee hee, vee hee hee! Lightners, Lightners, I see that there are no stories about me on this website. I plan to rectify that. I'll write a Jevil story production will begin shortly. Lighners, Darkners, Monsters, Humans, fillies, and colts won't you join me in the wonderful chaos that will ensue?

still no jevil stories :(

i have a short fimfiction on my channel in the comments

and i cant write worth a darn

Well, now us need to wait for some clever dude to write a story about it. (why can't such people write a story about it (I can't, because I'm not even English))

i think jevil would win. i do wonder how tia will react

I think that the discord will be shocked by this =) yes? But how to find out who is stronger? Discord or jevil?

I'll ask the author: "what can you do?"

And he told me: -" I CAN DO ANYTHING"

Yea! Jevil stories! Launching carousel! CHAOS CHAOS!!! CHAOS on fandom mlp!

imagine from what will be if jevil will be in the pony world =)

although why he will be there, we already know everything ...

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I don't know. Why don't you create one?

where is the DELTARUNE page?

"Don't forget." :pinkiecrazy:

I do hope so but only Toby Fox knows.

  • Viewing 56 - 75 of 75