• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I write the countless and troublesome story worlds that I see in my mind for you're enjoyment, mostly to just make them stop! GTFO out if my brain and onto the site! *SMACK*


Other Accounts · 9:27pm Jun 15th, 2023

Hi there. Some of you might know that I have accounts on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net. I mostly want to advertise my Ao3 account for all my newest works are there. That being said I am still gonna post stuff here, I am still writing a story on here, but other stories I am currently working on. While the format and such is

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Report BioQuillFiction · 169 views · Story: Open World: Level Up ·

Basic Info

Hello there. My name is BioQuillFiction and I am a writer with dreams of someday being published. If you are here on my page, then to reasons I can not comprehend, you enjoy one or several of my works. For this, I thank you. Below is a list of some information you might want to know about me, regarding other Accounts, Commissions, or anything I deem of relevance or convenience to you my loving readers and followers. Thank you and please, always leave a comment. I love to see them. :pinkiehappy:


BlueSky (I know, I'm surprised I made this too)
My Tumblr Account. I'd prefer you follow me here and ask questions as well as check out my other non Fim works.

Comments ( 103 )
  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103

Thanks for adding my stories to your Completed/One Shots
I hope you enjoy my work :raritywink:

Thank you for adding my story to your list and I hope you enjoyed very much

It pleases me that you added Sweetie Bot Annoys Sunny to your library. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for giving It's Only Coffee a read. I hope you enjoyed your time with it.

Thanks for following my story!

  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103
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