• Member Since 17th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I made this account to read and to give the gifts of "Ideas", not to lead. Also I'm Canadian and a Warhammer fan, that is all. Also feel free to ask me anything.

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Comments ( 47 )
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

Thanks for the follow. :twilightsmile: and as I do for all my followers, Here something ti laugh at. :twilightsmile: best viewed in a new tab. :twilightsheepish:

Dammit Flaming.... I'll get you one day. You and that Stout.

One stout shacko for two refined?

I wish, If I was I would be the god of drinking. Most of my ideas were from when I was either drunk, very drunk or slightly drunk.
Most of my ideas posted in my blogs were posted in the HIE forums, which I still post on a daily basis.

A few of my ideas got adopted, one of them is called I'm not a god and thier should be a few more coming out in the next few weeks.

To be honest, I think my blood is 40% alcohol by now.

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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