Pregnancy 1,954 members · 1,297 stories

Ponies growing inside other ponies. Pretty simple, right?

You'd be surprised. Anything that involves something growing inside someone else, whether it be normal pregnancy, eggs, pouches or even reverse foaling are all welcome here. That also includes humans having foals, and ponies having human babies!

And yes, I will be working on this description. As the only group I've found so far that covers this kink exclusively, I have a standard to live up to.

The Folders:

If there's a subcategory in 'Other' that you would like to see added, just let me know. If a sub-folder gains 25 stories, I'll bump it up into it's own separate folder/category.

We also have a Skype chat! If you're interested in joining, just send me a PM. All we ask is that you be kind to the other users. ^-^

Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 16 - 35 of 35

Is there anything against a story ending up in 2 or more of these categories(folders) ??
just curious, just in case a story ends up quealfying for more than one folder!

Thanks for this word, quite the curious addition. (when you stop to think about it)

why are there so many deleted messages, up front?

guess I should be here, and add a story to this group.

Comment posted by FleegleTheBeagle deleted January 21st
Comment posted by Xenamare deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st
Comment posted by chrisfluttershy deleted January 21st

Does this group include stories with impregnation, or just stories about the pregnancy?
And would it matter if it was rape?

Pregnancy is magical. :rainbowkiss: Especially when the mother is pregnant with a unicorn baby. Lord help her

Here's a fun new word for the group enceinte

Honestly surprised that it took me this long to actually join. Finding good pregnancy focused stories seems so hard at times.

  • Viewing 16 - 35 of 35