• Member Since 12th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 23rd, 2016


Hello! I'm just your average 12 year MLP lover pega-sister! I really enjoy making stories and being happy! I LOOVE reading and giving a thumbs up. :)

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Hey... :( · 6:43pm Feb 20th, 2016


So... I'm sorry I haven't been updating much yet in Grandchildren of Discord or A Very Screwy Pregnancy..

The truth is, I don't feel like writing since I do not get enough feedback for my effort. I'M NOT ASKING FOR FEEDBACK SO DON'T THINK I AM. It's just that I don't have anybody encouraging me to write or giving me need to write. So that's why I don't upload too much anymore... Sorry....

Your disappointed in herself pega-sister,

-Rainbow Heart


Report MLPRainbowHeart · 640 views ·
Comments ( 54 )
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Well that's not fair being banned for your age. There are Bronies and Pegasisters with a whole range of ages! And this site that lets those MLP fans read beautiful and incredible stories, such as yours, just bans you for your age?! It's just wrong! You have a beautiful gift for creative writing and if this site can't see that just because of your age, they are wrong... So, so wrong. Don't worry sugar cube we've got your back. :ajsmug:

I love this fanfic so much plz keep writing

Are you still gonna keep doing grandchildren of discord on FIMfiction?
Please say you are. Please! Please!PLEASE!

2207717 I used to. Banned because of my age :1

I have this as a backup x3

Oh hey friendo, I didn't know you had a FiMfiction, silly!

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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