• Member Since 13th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen July 16th

General Sparky

Hi, I am a brony from Singapore, I will read and write any fanfiction that is related to the military and ponies.

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Singapore Armoured Cavalry · 5:47pm Feb 21st, 2020

Hi, all readers

In this blog post, I will describe some things about the Singapore Armoured Cavalry.

The Singapore Armoured Cavalry (SAC) is a fictional force created for my stories.

It is a special force in the Singapore army and has the ability to operate in all terrain.

The force consists of 20 horses and 20 riders. It includes armoured vehicles like infantry carrier vehicles and tanks to cover up the fact that the main force is made up horses.

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Report General Sparky · 398 views · Story: Innocence has a price ·
Comments ( 147 )
  • Viewing 143 - 147 of 147

Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite!

happy Halloween/nightmare night!

Thanks for the fave.

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