• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen April 20th


I'm a musician, songwriter, and erstwhile actor and improviser, with a BA in theatre and a minor in Latin. That's the short version.


Against All Odds Submitted · 10:20am Nov 29th, 2015

As of about a minute ago, I submitted Derpy's final "Misadventure" story.

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Comment posted by Zolgo deleted Mar 16th, 2023

Hey Mann, hope your still doing well.

Got into writing for a non-pony fan project and I can’t stress how much your writing and notes have influenced me.

I know I’ll probably never know what your new works are, and will probably never get to read them.
But I want you to know that what I have gotten to read has meant so much to me, and I want you to remember that whatever your writing now likely means just as much to someone else. Please, always change your style, keep growing and developing, but please never stop writing.

In any case, I hope above all that this message finds you well. I hope that one day, you will see if we are all well too.
Sincerely, Zolgo3

Now that my ventings are out of the way, how’s writing been? I still wanna hear how you’ve been doing since you’ve left, however vague the details might be!

I awake bound by the Branches of your Works. A dry gasp passes as your Bitting Thorns ensnare me again. Caustic ink flows into my veins and my heart and my mind; overflowing but never filling. I press for more, but the Thorns are gone.
I yearn for their embrace.

The sun sets. The Moon Unsetting passes over and through me, and I beg for freedom. Ambition fuels curiosity. Curiosity hungers. The stagnation that entombs my mind kindles like stone, but still the fire wars against it. I look without and within for freedom, but the Road is gone.
I burn for its creation.

The Stars blink as you pass overhead; unheard and unseen but not unfelt. Betrayal simmers within for a moment once more, before being cast back down to the Brambles below. Your Path rises beyond us, that much you made clear. It is by our own folly that we wait in hopes for a road to follow.
Still I wait for your Words, but I know they are gone.
I hunger for your return.

Comment posted by Zolgo deleted Feb 23rd, 2019
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