Story Updates: June 2013 · 4:44pm Jun 26th, 2013
Hey there, It's me again! You've probably all read my newest fic by now. I got an idea about making something like Sunshine, Sunshine about Equestria Girls, but It'll be about Sunset Shimmer learning about friendship. I like Sunset Shimmer as a character and want to write more about her. Expect that sometime in July.
The Forbidden Spell is coming along nicely, as promised I'll tell you the basic plot:
Can you answer my PM please.
1174309 Didn't you get my PMessage?
1174309 Thank you
I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I literally just saw this. I never got a notification off FimFiction.
Sunshine, Sunshine is still on-going, The second chapter was almost finished before I began writing other things. At the moment The Road to Democracy is my priority but I'm sure I'll be back to Sunshine, Sunshine as soon as or even before it's finished