New Avatar and story progress talk · 10:30pm Apr 8th, 2017
Oh boy, what a great day, well not in the weather type as even in april, the temperature outside is just around 10°C but apart from that it is great!
First things first, thanks to a great artist, Little Tigress I no longer have to hide behind Chaos star of Malal! Yay! It also means I have to change my bio a bit... the rather heretical chant is no longer fitting but everything in right time.
No need to do anything, I have enjoyed your story and felt leaving a favorite as it was nice and light hearted fun (especially after I have finished reading A puppet to her fame). Some parts brought up a good laugh from me (especially the ending with RB
Hello. Thanks for the warm welcome
Thank you for your story,
Lucent Flare
Hello, and welcome to FIMfiction. Since you favorited my story "Critical Analysis", if there's anything I can do to help, feel free to PM me, or click the arrow in the top right of this comment to reply.
Thanks, and good luck.