• Member Since 24th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The Sonic Mage

An unorganized mess who try's to work by a schedule, and fails repeatedly. Oh well. Nobody's perfect.

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Chapter Update · 4:02pm Oct 4th, 2022

Chapter 9 of A Time to Act is now published. Have fun and let me know what you think!

Report The Sonic Mage · 113 views · Story: A Time to Act ·
Comments ( 90 )
  • Viewing 86 - 90 of 90

Update on "A Time to Act"?

RIP Ghostbusters; They busted the last ghost.

Hope your doing ok mage we miss you

Hey mage hope your well we all worry about you *gives big hug*

  • Viewing 86 - 90 of 90
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