• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



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Who am me?

Name: Robert. or 'Sponge' to my friends.

From: North Shore of Massachusetts.

Occupation: Private Security, MA National Guard (12+ years, 2xV)

Likes: Monsters, Bluegrass, Metal, folk, history, philosophy, debate, the MCU, Pro Wrestling, martial arts, writing, cooking.

Dislikes: Marxists, rap music, having my time wasted, pretentiousness,

Finishing Moves: Kata Hajime, Texas Cloverleaf

Links for my wicked cool Godzilla/Marvel stories!
The GODZILLA|MARVEL SAGA! Reed Richards stumbles upon a new universe, this one populated not by superpowered people, but god-like monsters who wage their wars against each other and mankind. Assembling a team of heroes that include, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men, he travels to the world of Godzilla. Unbeknownst to anyone else however, the master schemer Loki has entered into an arrangement with dark forces that threaten to
lay waste to both worlds.
Now, the Marvel world is attacked by some of the most powerful Kaiju of all time. Can the heroes of Earth fend off such destruction? Or will they be crushed?
See what happens when WORLDS COLLIDE!

DeviantArt: http://rmc1618.deviantart.com/

Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/~heatseekerx51


"Dark Days" update. · 8:35am Apr 25th, 2021

So I've just finished the rough draft of chapter 1, and am now entering the revision phases. There's a lot of stuff in here that I didn't expect or even think of when I started writing it.
I don't have a timetable for its publishing, there's some work to be done, but now that I have the majority of the work done, it's all riding the break downhill from here.

Hope you guys are ready for a 'monster' of a chapter.

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Comments ( 153 )
  • Viewing 149 - 153 of 153

Yeah, I swing around every now and then. I'm actually working on the next Unforgiven chapter, I've got about a third left of that to go. I haven't done as much writing in the past few weeks as I would have liked but that's how it goes. I also didn't realize I was a couple chapters behind on The Bridge until Tarb mentioned it on a skype call.

Rob, you still going on this site? I noticed that you haven't been much active here recently.

Happy New Year's man!

Happy New Years, Outdated Derelict Rust Bucket.

Hey, happy uh... whatever you celebrate down in Florida. Christmas, Yule, Saturnalia. Thanks for being a generous soul, a rational correspondent, and a patient consultant.


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