• Member Since 11th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Casual Brony, childhood G-fan, and appreciator of the memes.

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Comments ( 65 )
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Thanks for the fav!

Boom, there we go. Start A conversation and get some good advice. I've definitely noted that, thank you very much! I'm glad that I'm not one of those people that absolutely cannot take any criticism as criticism-oh high Jake and Logan Paul how are you today? You have a good day too, now I can wait for the end of May so I can see Ghidorah fight Godzilla with his "golden shower" abilities. Yeah, I caught that from a while ago...

Alright, so one thing I noticed having looked your profile & blog, is that you write with a lot of caps & have censored swear words. I'd suggest toning down the caps & keeping the swears to a minimum. It helps with online etiquette & makes you look more classy. Just advice from one man to another. Anyway, take care & have a great day.

Of course, I like to call myself "TheUnfitComedian". That's what I'm going to change my 'name' to anyway. Mostly because I recently realized how stupid and cringe worthy my name is. Anywho, I pretty much like to do my thing and try to be 'funny', yeah, T R Y. T O. B E. *AHEM*, so that's me, I guess.

True, but now you can introduce yourself.

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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