I'll Kill You With My Tea CupOnly a few hours after the Griffon Empire declared war on Equestria, Princess Celestia waved a white flag and asked for an audience with the Griffon Emperor. The Emperor thinks she's here to negotiate Equestria's surrender. He's wrong.by Cloud Hop
1,622 words
· 2,334 · 119
Would It Matter If I Was?In the wake of the Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy has to ask Twilight a very difficult question.by GaPJaxie
2,220 words
· 3,478 · 229
What Costs NothingTirek has been defeated and sent back to his prison deep below the surface of Equestria to be left peacefully for eternity...except for one, chaotic, annoying visitor who has a riddle for him.by Godzillawolf
2,334 words
· 549 · 6
*cocks gun* all we want is another chapter
When is cp 5 of shy can see
Hey kid. I miss ya. I would appreciate you dropping me a line and letting me know you're okay.
Please continue ,,Shy Can See'', that is THE BEST MLP thing I have seen in a while.