• Member Since 5th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Hail King Sombra

We are all just stories in the end. Official scribe to his Royal Highness King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. His tales are as varied as they are poignant, sad and bittersweet. Remember them well.

Our Slaves...er Patreons

Quiet Hoof
image by Pixel_Spark

Beware Slaves! Your King of Shadows is now on Patreon!

An eternal thank you to our supporters:
Crystal Slaves -
The King's Dungeon -
Susan Fox
The King's Crystal Palace -
The Lieutenant's Circle -
The King's Advisers -

Most Popular Stories

#1 Pink Alicorn Blues

Princess Cadence was purged of the corruption that once held King Sombra in its grip, but she's not better. What happens when the only pony that can help you deal with the aftermath is your worst enemy?

#2 Forgive Me

Celestia has gone too far...interfering with her sister Princess Luna's wedding plans, looking with contempt upon her subjects and now she has murdered the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Stopping her will be the most painful thing Luna has ever done.

Tied for #3

The Birthday Wish

Princess Luna's daughter, Dawn, has one simple wish for her birthday that is anything but simple to grant. She wants to see her father. Problem is, he was banished for 1,000 years and despite her insisting he is not a bad pony and that there is still good in him, she may never get the chance to find out. How can a mother who is also a demi-Goddess and Princess of Equestria bear the weight of refusing her child's deepest, most fervent wish, especially when she was the one who had to destroy him in the first place?


Frozen Shadows

King Sombra's sentence changed from 1,000 years to eternity, the growing inbalance in time spreading as it undoes reality.The only person Dr. Whooves can turn to for help is his consort.If he can keep her from killing the Royal Pony Sisters, that is

New Sombra crack on...

If you like our stories and want to see more, please upvote and comment. It would please the King and I greatly!

What's coming up -

Coming soon.

Preview all of our stories ahead of EVERYONE ELSE by becoming a supporter of Hail King Sombra on Patreon!

Latest Story Updates

The Mad Seeress of the North - Chapter 17. Standoff - 12/9/17

Frozen Shadows - Chapter 10. And I Obey - 4/29/18

Slave Overseer of:

Sombra's Last Laugh

Proofreading & Gameloft

Latest Stories

Our AWESOME King in action!

MEGA Inspiration!!!!



Today is FIMFic Writer Appreciation Day · 5:44pm Aug 21st, 2023

Today is Fanfic FIMFic Writer Appreciation Day. You are hereby commanded to review & do one or more of the following....

Appropriated from a Live Journal post many a moon ago (2015):
(link is here: https://musesheaven.livejournal.com/27716.html)

It is not surprising news that fanfiction writers are highly underappreciated.

Read More

The Denial of One's True Love can create the Worst Evil...

image by ashley nichols art

The Best Sombra stories out there you'll ever read!

Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 57 - 66 of 66

An alliance. I come under banner of peace. Not war.

Greetings, Slave. And what does Darth Wrex want of the mighty King Sombra this day?

Hello, King Sombra

Is there a timeline for all your stories?

I agree with them, it'a a great story

I have a story suggestion for you:
Have you ever read Shadow of a Doubt by MayhemMoth?
It's about Sombra, of course!

Thanks for the adds!

Incessant screams!!!


  • Viewing 57 - 66 of 66
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