This is a group dedicated to all things Doctor Whooves. Your story has to revolve around the Doctor and his adventurers.Folders are rather self explanatory: If your story is a romantic story between the doctor and his companion then put it in romance, if the doctor's companion or enemy is an oc the put it in the oc folder, and if it has the mane six as main characters put it in the mane folder. If it has clop put it in clop. You story may be in all folders it is relevant to.
I have added a new folder for side characters
Where should stories go if the companion is a side character (as in, not Mane Six but not an OC either)? My own Doctor Whooves stories don't use Mane Six but instead have Big Macintosh & Cheerilee as companions to the First Doctor along an OC for his granddaughter, and my in-progress story is the Seventh Doctor alongside the Alicorn Celestia of Equestria.
congratulations thunder on a story! BTW i will need help running and checking all the story's so i need you 3's help as admins thank you!
Yeah I guess I do
you change your avatar alot don't you?
Ill do my best!
spread the word of the group!
i hate it when that stuff happens! my mom did that when i was watching Steven king's it
when I first watched that episode, my friends were over and we were watching it in my basement at like 11:00 at night then my mom came behind us and scared us half to death
yes that was a good one now when i see a gas mask i think are you my mummy? and once on Halloween my little cousin dressed up like the empty child and scared the shit out of me
I like a lot of the two parters like the empty child
i also liked the christmas invasion
Hmmmm. with the eleventh I would have to say....probably either flesh and stone or the lodger
i was rolling on the floor laughing. what was your favorite episode? my favorite was demon's run or the lodger
Haha! I like how she started flirting with him and then rory got all mad
i wish she shouted "AND HE'S LATE FOR MY WEDDING!"
Ik. It was pretty confusing. I like the part when he appeared at the wedding though
but then he came back and i was like wtf cause it never explained how he survived
i loved it except when i thought the doctor died
I loved the big bang 2!