doctor whooves fan group 29 members · 14 stories

If you have a love for doctor who or doctor whooves and want to join a group to read stories or just simply share stories with people with the same love for characters or t.v. series come and join us, we'll be happy that you have joined


Comments ( 6 )
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Hey guys there is a good doctor whooves called DOCTOR written by deidorimu it's stars with the first doctor

I is alive!! It's my bday! I got an iPod, this is a great year!! Exept for on may 20th... I pray for those who have lost either a goo friend or family member... or both.

I'm in Edmond, OK... hope the tornado doesn't hit house. Pls pray!!

309180 thx. it obviously has the doctor in it. he's the only (except for Colgate,dinky, or sparkler. Colgate=river song, dinky and sparkler are the docs children) with 2 hearts.


That's a nice title!

New story coming soon... It's mine, the two Hearted Pony. :pinkiegasp:

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