• Member Since 31st Mar, 2016
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Just Joined · 8:11pm Apr 1st, 2016

Hello ponies of Fimfiction!

I am brand new here and will be starting to upload stories incredibly soon. (Since I've been writing quite a lot in my past) I'm a major fan of Doctor Whooves and think that there should be more classics. So, I do take suggestions and a list of Doctor Who stories (Classic and New) Will be put down below this post. But I will also post a story of my choice so you guys can get familiar with my work before the suggestions start rolling in.

Thank you


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Comments ( 3 )
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D’aaaw, thank you guys for being here. Not many people are around for now

Do you never want to see a UwU again. Are you sick and tired of UwU WELL do I got the product for you UwU REPELLENT just a couple of sprays on your computer and you will never see a UwU again...because your computer will be broken because thats right UwU repellent is just water well at least you won't have to deal with those pesky UwUs

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