• Member Since 5th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen August 28th

Hail King Sombra

We are all just stories in the end. Official scribe to his Royal Highness King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. His tales are as varied as they are poignant, sad and bittersweet. Remember them well.


Lord Tirek has all the power in the land and begins his path of destruction and death. But there is one power greater than them all he will encounter that he has no hope of controlling.

If you're already a fan of my character Nyx and don't want surprises about her future spoiled, don't read this. Though if you've read my story, "The Mad Seeress of the North", you've probably been spoiled already. It's kinda like River Song from Doctor Who...the first time we meet her we're already spoiled about her future, so looking at it that way might not make it so bad to know, lol!

Thanks to Askre and Tale Weaver for pre-reading this.

I contacted the artist for permission to use his amazing stained glass depiction of Tirek's fall for the cover, but it's been months and they never replied, so just going on the record that yeah, I tried.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Regrets...

I was just another palace servant, but the sight of King Sombra holding the Crystal Princess Flurry Heart suspended in his magic over her little crib was too much to bear! Her huge eyes were wide with fear, wings flapping helplessly, her entire being pleading with me to rescue her...

This is another in the “what if” series I started with the story "Regrets". Both tales are inspired from previews of the upcoming Series Finale of MLP:FIM. There is so much we don’t know about what happens to Flurry Heart at this moment in the cover shot released last week. That naturally breeds enough alternate universe theories to fill its own universe. This is one of them. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

I know we know nothing about this scene yet. I just saw the way Fluttershy looks at Sombra and wondered what was going through her mind. That led to wondering about the others. When the episode with this scene comes out, it’ll be immediately be invalidated, I know. I regret nothing.

A great big thank you and shout-out to Askre for giving me ideas on how to extend Pinkie Pie's dialogue when it ran EIGHT WORDS short of 1,000, lol! Askre is a great King Sombra writer every Sombra fan should check out, but how he can manage that AND finds such ease in writing Pinkie Pie and her rambling dialogue not only confuses the hell out of me, but scares me a little as well.

Chapters (1)

Page Solaris has written about him all her life, picking up the enigma, the pieces where the show left off. As she nears her end, this has not gone unnoticed - and will not go unpunished.

Published for Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day. Enjoy!

(original image from "Fall of the Crystal Empire" by Silly Filly Studios)

Chapters (1)

The real truth behind the reasons the Equestrian Princesses banished King Sombra. Also a game of Count the Number of Stupid Ponies in the fic.

Completely random story thought up and written in a few hours. Take it for what it is.

I regret nothing.

Contains Luna x Sombra shipping, rude innuendos, cracks against a race that are entirely true and subtle Monty Python references. Anything else you find distasteful or offensive, that's your problem.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has issues. The Princess of Love has her subject's, her husband's, her's and worst of all, a king-sized case of PTSD from giving in to the evil that helped King Sombra conquer an Empire. Banishing him yet a second time was bad, the detox wasn't pleasant either, but the worst is living with the knowledge you let your husband, your subjects and worst of all, yourself down. No, the worst is that the only pony that can help her now is King Sombra. Being trapped in a cave with him and her husband keeping him at hooves's-length isn't going to get this resolved anytime soon. A fanfanfiction tribute to Wiggles's Ask King Sombra (read it first if you want the backstory or go here for a quicker story summary). Happy Second Anniversary!

(updated every Friday at 12:00 noon Pacific Time)

Chapters (14)

Spoilers for Season 7, Episode 10: "A Royal Problem," and a certain new character called "Daybreaker". Tagged for Celestia since her body is technically in the story, lol. The first few paragraphs are in the form of a diary entry by Princess Luna, then it gets into the action after that. Thanks eternal to Stasy Solitude for the poignant and beautifully done artwork she gave me permission to use as the cover! The deviations from the regular MLP 'verse will be obvious with a good King Sombra having ruled the Crystal Empire and its bat ponies (yes, crystal bat ponies!) and yes, this is Lunbra, rejoice, ye fans of the pairing of night and shadows ;)

Chapters (1)

Mere months after retaking the Crystal Empire from King Sombra, Price Shining Armor discovers a secret about Cadence's past that is almost as bizarre as why King Sombra lost the Crystal Empire because of Discord, Shining Armor hates his new inlaws and the crystal ponies are laughing hysterically at their new Prince.

All is not funny, however as Princess Celestia seems to be in on the cover up. So soon after Queen Chrysalis's attempted takeover of Canterlot, Shining Armor struggles to come to terms with who his new wife is and needs to hurry before it tears their marriage and his trust in her apart.

Thank you so much to Pixel_Spark for her amazing cover art!

Chapters (6)

Do you remember the three nights of darkness when Luna refused to raise the moon and bring out the stars? It was a thousand years ago, but her heart will never heal nor forget. And all her lost love can do is listen. And wait...

A prequel story to "The Birthday Wish"

inspired by the YouTube video "Fall of an Empire" by The L-Train and the hauntingly beautiful song "Leviathan" from the album "The Edge of a Fairytale" by Between Interval.

Image credit for Princess Luna...no idea who's this is. All I know is I did a google search and found it on some obscure website written in Farsai called, falloutequestria.blogfa.com .

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna's daughter, Dawn, has one simple wish for her birthday that is anything but simple to grant. She wants to see her father. Problem is, he was banished for 1,000 years and despite her insisting he is not a bad pony and that there is still good in him, she may never get the chance to find out. How can a mother who is also a demi-Goddess and Princess of Equestria bear the weight of refusing her child's deepest, most fervent wish, especially when she was the one who had to destroy him in the first place?

Cover art by Oriana-jua. Thank you for letting me use the beautiful piece of artwork that inspired this story.

Chapters (6)